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Jan 18, 2023, 130 tweets

the avatrice red carpet smau

⤷ beatrice is one of hollywood's most coveted actresses. ava is an up-and-coming journalist. an accidental flirty exchange during a red carpet interview goes viral—and it all spirals from there

character intros (1/4)

beatrice walton-yang/ 25/ actress

pushed into acting as a child by an overbearing mother, her impressive career now spans over a decade. described as terminally offline by both her team and her fans, she pours her thoughts into journals.


character intros (2/4)

beatrice’s team:

shannon masters, 37, manager
lilith diego, 32, agent
camila martín, 24, personal assistant


character intros (3/4)

ava silva/ 23/ journalist

raised by her aunt francis after becoming an orphan, she ran away at 19 & found giving a voice to ppl was her passion. her goal is to be an investigative journalist, but she'll enjoy the road while she gets there


character intros (4/4)

ava’s crew

mary williams, 34, editor
michael salvius, 22, boom operator
jc alaoui, 26, cameraman
yasmine amunet, 30, staff writer


notes (1/2)

-dates and times are carefully selected
-feel free to reply/rt/quote rt and interact however and as much as you want, it makes my work worth it!
(use #SaveWarriorNun if u can)
-there are many easter eggs hidden through the fic so look out

notes (2/2)

-there'll be no text to keep it an integral smau
-some scenes tho (particularly those for an adult audience) will be posted on ao3
-will have alt text to be accesible to everyone
-there's a spanish ver available
that's it!

welcome to the avatrice red carpet au :)


2. 2022 MTV EMAs



6. 2022 GQ Men of the Year Party
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun



13. 2022 New York Film Critics Circle Awards

25. Golden Globes Awards 2023
#WarriorNun #SaveWarriorNun


123. saturday

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