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Ram CharanπŸ’˜ Books πŸ“š Dark Academia 🍁 Poetry πŸ₯€ NOT spoilers free

Jan 19, 2023, 27 tweets

Ram - THE FIRE πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

A person who has nothing to lose, is not afraid of anything and faces death like an old pal, is the most dangerous kind of man. You don't know what frightens him, what's his weakness β€” there's no way you can defeat him. #RamCharan #RRRMovie [1]

There's nothing you can use against him. Ram is that kind of person. Fierce as a flaming fire, fast as a shooting arrow β€” someone people will only associate with some kind of a long lost myth. He's capable of doing the impossible one could only dream of.
#RamCharan #RRRMovie [2]

Throughout the movie, we're given countless references of his fiery nature and how he represents this destructive force that can easily take down everything and everyone that comes his way, someone that can burn the universes in tandem. #RamCharan #RRRMovie


That's how we meet him too β€” he jumps into the crowd fearlessly like wildfire leaping and bruising his prey; destroying the trees and saplings alike. He shows no mercy to anyone, and finishes his job β€” what would seem β€” quite effortlessly.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


There's a raging volcano within him, unfathomable anger and pain that's looking for a way out, yet he holds back again and again and again. He's clever and knows his one single mistake would ruin all his chances at success. So, he endures.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


As we spend more time with him, we know he's capable of immense compassion as well. The fire that nearly destroyed everything a few moments ago can also devolve itself into a gentle flame, meant to offer comfort in the arctic cold.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


He justifies the idea of a myth. Like a legend he knows how to control & channel his powers. When left to his own devices he resembles a petrifying conflagration; & other times he's a wild animal looking for a way out of the cage he's built around himself #RamCharan #RRRMovie [7]

All in all, we don't meet a soft human being at all, and his journey, interestingly, goes on to revealing his many layers drawing us in β€” it's like a fire that begins to consume you. The deeper you go, the more vivid his personality becomes.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie

His story begins as a volcanic eruption & its intensity passes through all shades of fire, exploring & rummaging the range of emotions involved. In some aspects you clearly don't want to mess with the man & in another you want to be the company he needs. #RamCharan #RRRMovie

This fire, the devastating power, isn't just outwardly destructive. It's just as lethal on the inside. It's what bruises, cuts, and burns us as viewers. And that makes him an endearing individual and a character worth remembering.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


Had he been just a killing machine with occasional outflow of extreme emotions, he wouldn't be as endearing as he was with the suppression of them. He needed to be much more than a bad guy with a good heart or bad past. He needed to be more balanced.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie

In other words, it's the visible emotions along with the brief fissure that allow the feelings to come forth without spiling out too much that make him profound as a person. And the story gives us the perfect reason for him to be what he is.
#RamCharan #RRRMovie


Despite us finding out about his past, all questions answered, we're still left with some more. Despite harbouring the gleaming fire, he carried immense darkness within him. Was the darkness so strong that it blended with his very soul? How'd we know!

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


It's his friendship & an event that was possibly just as painful for him as the one that happened to him as a child when he killed his father that pulls him out of the darkness. It keeps him from becoming as bad as the people he was attempting to destroy #RamCharan #RRRMovie [14]

When I said he goes through various shades of his fiery nature, I meant he's a single person living the lives of many, whether he wants it or not. And all of these personalities are as dependent on each other as they're independent.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie [15]

In his police uniform, he's the powerful force that is ruthless - the red blazing fires that follow no rule of kindness and softness. This cruelty, however, in not limited to hurting others. It's the suffering he inflicts upon himself too that counts.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


His fire not only symbolizes what he destroys in the outside world but also what burns within him. It's unimaginable rage and pain that truly counts and while it is permanently present, it truly doesn't dominate his other sides.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


And then we come to this. This sunshine cinnamon roll that barely seems to have a care in world. He's a double agent at this point, but so far away from his usual 'ruthless' self that it's hard to tell he's the same man who almost killed hundreds.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


It's like his other side, even tho it's present it doesn't dominate this persona that is meant to make viewers fall in love with him - not fear/revere him. That's where he resembles the gentle & comforting fire despite retraining his destructive nature.
#RamCharan #RRRMovie

And then, this fire sometimes dulls entirely, which, surprisingly enough, is depicted through the complete lack of light in the grey environment in this scene. It's like the lamp is extinguishing, and we do know he's dying at this moment.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


Eventually, he's God incarnated on Earth to destroy the demons. It's like a superhero who finally can use his powers for all the good cause without hurting the good people. It's the enlightening of humanity all over again.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


By the time we come to this, he's evolved into an otherworldly force. Probably because Gods in nature/forest blessed him themselves. This time the golden aura welcomes him and as we see the bad guys cowering while Bheem looks at him in awe and reverence.
#RamCharan #RRRMovie

It's the closure that now awaits, the destruction of evil as the flaming arrows wreak a havoc in the enemies' clan. While water is present there as well, it's the embers of gold and orange that overtake the darkness of the forests.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


It's quite meta how his character starts and closes in the final scenes. The whole story is building up for this moment and it's thoroughly rewarding. Every bit of emotions felt for him are fully justified when we watch the end of the movie.

#RamCharan #RRRMovie


When people say #RamCharan had the most demanding job as an actor in #RRRMovie they're not lying. He portrayed 3 different characters & none of them were allowed to resemble the other completely. The cop can't be like Raju. Raju can't be like the legend he becomes in the end [25]

He had to be the man one would love, fear, hate, and revere. Being all these and simultaneously maintaining the basic difference between all his personalities. And he did a great job at that. #RRRMovie wouldn't be what it is without his dedicated performance.

You hit a jackpot with @AlwaysRamCharan, @ssrajamouli. The team is unstoppable. I don't know if it amounts to anything, but in case it does, @TheAcademy, #FYC. Best Actor in a leading role. #RamCharan

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