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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Jan 19, 2023, 37 tweets

CCTV FOLLLIES 1.19 Xi Trigger Warning

-Tons of guns, muscle and mufti
-Army, Air Force, Navy, Armed Police stand erect
-Xi garners every vote in "free" election to head NPC
-Sergei Lavrov warns China against US designs

But first this breaking news development:
Xi Jinping was elected deputy to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) by a unanimous vote

And now back to the show of force flex by Xi:

Xi presides over a meeting of six military men in this cozy room at PLA HQ.

(The Great Dictator comes to mind...)

Xi's shown up in mufti to better impress the men in uniform that he is just the same as them

Via videolink he instructs the far-flung forces of the PLA

Soldiers in the remote Himalayan border post Hongqi Lamu stand at attention in the frigid cold while their commander sits in a warm conference room in Beijing

They defend the limits of the motherland the help of a German Shepherd.

Somewhere in the huge swath of sea claimed by China.

Next up is the Navy. They stand with remarkable stillness on a rocking ship to hear their leader pontificate

"It's me. Greetings!"

Next up is the Air Force, who are getting a lot of practice flying over the Taiwan Strait.

Which way are we supposed to look?

"What? I can't hear you."

At attention!

"Can you hear me? It's me. Xi. This is, um, this is your commander speaking..."

The courageous Falcon Commandos have an attention-commanding flag.

The Armed Police and other para-military forces.

"struggle, strive, this new era, in this new year, in this..."

"hello? hello?"

pssst! How long do we have to stand?

In other exciting news, we have a review of the video-conference call made by our great leader yesterday and the enthusiastic response it generated in people in all walks of life stimulated from the exchange of greetings with the chairman.

Seeing Xi on the screen made this old man's respiratory illness all but go away. He said he "feels great" now.

More of those auspicious "fu" signs to show Xi.

In Xinjiang, the happy hats tell the story.

The testimonials continue to roll in from the lucky places touched by the powerful video linkup with Xi.
"As the chairman said..."
"Xinjiang reaps benefits..."
"We must pay attention to safety, just as Xi said..."
"As Xi said, "Food matters..."

(in a soft tone) "Under the leadership of Chairman Xi..."
(reverential tone) "With Chairman Xi at the helm...."

Just out! Read all about it!
"Hold high the banner...of a modern socialist country in all respects" - Xi's historic report on party's 20th.
-China's communist constitution is conveniently printed in major and minor world languages!

(useful in case of pro-Beijing regime change)

Focus on Sichuan development, with report by commissar Wang Xiaohui

Nature responds favorably to Xi's leadership in the New Era...

(horses run away? elephants sleep?)

Things are just about back to normal after Covid

Lucky Rabbit year celebrated around the world.
With a rabbit looking over his shoulder, the official from Hungary says, "China's economy is important to us."

It's that time again...Russia struts its stuff

What do Chinese viewers get out of this?

Russia claims complete control of Soledar, Ukraine.

Sergei Lavrov lashes out at US, says it's playing tricks on China.

Both CCN and NYT get quoted by CCTV today...

"The US is ruining world hopes for peace"

Norman Solomon, a respected activist, gets Russia and China wrong, like so many of his leftist peers.

(It's one thing to want peace, but quite another to give Moscow and Beijing a pass for cruel, deplorable and grotesque behavior)

-UK still rocked by strikes
-Paddington Station gets another CCTV cameo

And that's a wrap. Thanks for watching!

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