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Jan 20, 2023, 6 tweets

1. The most 'important' world leaders were in #Davos this week for #WEF23 so I put on a LIVE #WEF23RoyalRumble did you miss it??
here's a highlight thread🧵👇…

2. "I think this is the beginning of the end" @ShellenbergerMD #WEF23

3. "If you analyse a lot of the public-private partnerships that the #WEF produces, they're very alarming" #Davos @_whitneywebb

4. "It is creating that system of behaviour modification, which is a type of social credit system" @TimHinchliffe #Davos

“It’s like a weird billionaire trade show…” @AndrewLawton LIVE🔴 from #Davos ☕️🍫

6. @JamesMelville “Governments, technocrats and corporations are using ‘safety & convenience’ as a virtue con-trick to accommodate power and wealth. Many of these con-artists are showcasing their ‘virtue’ agendas at WEF #Davos

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