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Artist :: Onchain :: Compressionism :: Creative Coding :: Spaces Host

Jan 20, 2023, 15 tweets

Do you want to make high quality, unique AI Art fast, and completely for free?

If your computer is low on VRAM, or you'd just like to speed things up...

...this thread is for you. Read on...

I got started by following this epic tutorial from @ClaireSilver12

She explains how to set up NMKD and write prompts, blend models and even train your own model.

It's a fantastic tutorial and very easy to follow - but my ancient computer couldn't cope.

Step 1: Set up a new Gmail account

Google Colab is an app that connects you to a Virtual Machine to process your data.

We will need to save Stable Diffusion files, models and output images on your Google Drive

A new Gmail with linked G Drive is best.

Done? Let's proceed...

Step 2: Link Colab to your new GDrive

- Open Google Drive from your new email
- Click "New" in the top left
- Choose "More"
- Choose "More Apps"

Select Google Colab, and follow the on-screen prompts

Step 3: Download Stable Diffusion & Automatic 1111

Stable Diffusion:

A1111 / Dreambooth Notebooks:

Both folders need to on GDrive and unzipped.

Step 4: Download models

As Claire mentions in her thread, you can use the basic SD model or browse civitai.com and choose a couple you like the look of.

Make a new folder called "MODELS" on your GDrive and put the models inside.

Step 4: Opening A1111

Go to the folder on your GDrive called "Fast Stable Diffusion Main" and open the file called "fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb"

You'll now see the notebook itself - it looks like this:

In the top right, click "connect" to connect to a runtime.

Step 5: Setting up A1111

- Run the 1st cell to mount GDrive
- Run the 2nd cell to install A1111
- Run the 3rd cell to check requirements

To run, just click the little "Play" icon at the top left of each cell

You'll get a success message in green when each cell is done.

Step 6: Linking to the Models

- Navigate to your MODELS folder in the file explorer in Colab
- Right click and select "copy path" from the Menu
- Paste in the "path to model" section

Run the cell.

All done! Now we are ready to launch A1111...

Step 7: Launching A1111 and first steps

- Run the final cell to launch Stable Diffusion

- Watch the code outputs in the Notebook. If you have done everything right, it will produce a custom url

- Copy and paste this into a new browser tab and voila - A1111 is ready to use!

Step 8: Setting Up

GDrive is weird, sometimes folders don't show up in Colab and vice versa.

To avoid losing your work, go back to GDrive and make a new folder called OUTPUTS.

Go to Colab, refresh the file browser and right click on your new OUTPUTS folder, copy the path.

Step 9: Setting up (2)

- Go to A1111 and click the Settings tab
- Paste the path to your OUTPUTS folder into the boxes
- Click "Apply Settings" at the top

That's it - you're ready to create art!

Key tips:

- You can switch models by clicking the drop-down at the top left of your screen.
- To blend models to create your own style, go to the "checkpoint merger" tab in A1111
- See Claire's thread in tweet 2 for writing prompts and calling models

One more thing...


- Google Colab free version is not guaranteed. It will time out if you are inactive, if their network is busy or if the workbook is left open for a long time.

- During USA office hours, it can be difficult to get online.

- Stack Overflow is useful if you get errors


A1111 can run locally on your machine, for me it crashes less than NMKD. The setup is very different (needs a separate thread).

If you've found this thread helpful, please RT.

Any questions? Please ask below.

TYSM @ClaireSilver12

PS: Images are raw outputs.

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