Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. Photographer. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/MedEd/Communication/Wellness. #BLM 🌈 She/Her

Jan 21, 2023, 30 tweets

Next up for tweetucation at #SCCM2023 is “The Intersection of Climate Change and Critical Care” with Dr. Srinivas Murthy (@srinmurthy99) and Dr. Gloria Rodriquez-Vega!

We will talk about whether our ICUs are ready and what they can do to help. #SCCM2023

Case presentation - this is a code red for humanity! #SCCM2023

When do we begin resuscitation? #SCCM2023

We see that land and ocean temperatures are increasing. #SCCM2023

We see that CO2 concentrations are rapidly getting out of control! #SCCM2023

So how do we resuscitate? #SCCM2023

Tenets of crisis resource management #SCCM2023

Healthcare itself contributes a lot of emissions! #SCCM2023

Electricity emissions - This is about 1.25 gallons of gasoline.

We need to advocate for clean energy!

We should be thinking about the environmental impact of the drugs we prescribe. #SCCM2023

Dry powder inhaled are preferred environmentally to MDI! #SCCM2023

What about plastics? #SCCM2023

Potential areas for change! #SCCM2023

We need to find like-minded individuals who want to band together to enact change! #SCCM2023

Many countries, including Canada and the US have signed on to work on this project (but we need to invest more). #SCCM2023

This is hard because we’re asking to prepare for all potential contingencies while also handling the current catastrophes. #SCCM2023

We need to be preparing for potential hospital flooding. #SCCM2023

We need to be planning for disaster readiness (like hurricanes, tornados, fires, earthquakes, etc)! #SCCM2023

We need to have surge preparedness for heat and for infectious diseases! #SCCM2023

We need to be prepared for new infectious diseases (like Dengue) that will emerge and migrate due to climate change! #SCCM2023

Exposure to particulate matter from wildfires is also causing problems! #SCCM2023

Air pollution in itself is a health problem. #SCCM2023

The distribution of the problem is widespread! #SCCM2023

We need global solidarity to conquer this problem! #SCCM2023

The answer is of course your ICU can help, and we need to think long and hard about whether we are ready! #SCCM2023

Rebellions are built on hope! #SCCM2023

So what do we need to do? #SCCM2023

We need to work within our spheres of influence! #SCCM2023

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