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Jan 21, 2023, 6 tweets

Wedding Inspiration πŸ’’πŸ˜†

Lord Raglan and the Honourable Julia Hamilon, were married at St Margaret's Church, Westminster, London.
9 April 1923

FTM caught out by the Flamingo pose on this special occasion

Mr J Lomax Cockayne('t got one) arriving with his wife at the wedding of Lady Rachel Cavendish 1923
Mincer & tin soldier

Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson's niece weds Naval Lieutenant. 1925
Here "he" is giving the bride away clearly showing us how female hips swing the leg around.

Vice Admiral Sir Percy Grant and Mrs Doughty wed at St Michaels Chester Square 1926
Transformers...more than meets the eye

Wedding of the Earl of Galloway and Miss Philippa Wendell at St Margarets, Westminster.

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