Gretchen Winter, MD 🌼 (Warning: Feral) Profile picture
I believe in loving others. Animal rescuer. Life explorer. Bibliophile. PCCM. Passions =🎼/💃/✈️/📸/MedEd/Bronchiectasis/Communication/Wellness. #BLM🌈

Jan 21, 2023, 56 tweets

Patient enrollment #SCCM2023

Patient characteristics #SCCM2023

These slides show that they did indeed have a difference in therapies given. #SCCM2023

There was no difference in the primary outcome of mortality or the secondary outcomes. #SCCM2023

There were also no differences in pre-specified subgroups. #SCCM2023

There were more patients in the restrictive group who needed ICU management and who had central catheters places. #SCCM2023

Safety of peripheral vasopressors #SCCM2023

Discussion #SCCM2023

Conclusions #SCCM2023

Next we have Dr. Somnath Bose (@somnathbose07) with “Association Between Unmet Non-Medication Needs After Hospital Discharge and Readmission or Death Among Acute Respiratory Failure Survivors: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study”! #SCCM2023

We are having more survivors who are dealing with PICS! #SCCM2023

Post-discharge needs can be classified into medication needs and non-medication needs. #SCCM2023

Gaps in knowledge #SCCM2023

Study aims #SCCM2023

Study design #SCCM2023

Inclusion and exclusion criteria #SCCM2023

Exposure and outcome #SCCM2023

Statistical analysis #SCCM2023

Sample size #SCCM2023

Results #SCCM2023

Baseline characteristics #SCCM2023

Non-medication discharge needs #SCCM2023

There were a lot of unmet non-medication discharge needs! #SCCM2023

90-day outcomes #SCCM2023
They did not find differences in outcomes before the groups. #SCCM2023

They then looked at the drivers of unmet needs. #SCCM2023

Discussion #SCCM2023

Additional insights #SCCM2023

Study strengths #SCCM2023

Study limitations #SCCM2023

Conclusion #SCCM2023

Next up is Dr. Mekela Whyte-Nesfield with “Pediatric Critical Care-Associated Parental Traumatic Stress: Beyond the First Year”. #SCCM2023

Acute vs post-traumatic stress #SCCM2023

Epidemiology of stress in the PICU #SCCM2023

Effects of parental traumatic stress #SCCM2023

So we know we have post-traumatic parental stress in the PICU, but what we don't know is what happens to these parents after the first year. #SCCM2023

Inclusion and exclusion criteria #SCCM2023

Study tools #SCCM2023

Assessment timeline #SCCM2023

Demographics #SCCM2023

Retention #SCCM2023

Trajectory of PTSD #SCCM2023

Results #SCCM2023

Overall trends #SCCM2023

So when can we act? What are things to consider at different timepoints? #SCCM2023

Next steps #SCCM2023

And last in this session is “Effect of Early Nasal High-Flow for Children with Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure: The PARIS-2 Randomized Clinical Trial” with Dr. Andreas Schibler! #SCCM2023

Baseline characteristics of infants with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure #SCCM2023

Study design #SCCM2023

Baseline characteristics #SCCM2023

Primary outcome was not significant. #SCCM2023

Secondary outcomes #SCCM2023

An alternate look at PICU admissions #SCCM2023

There was a lot of crossover of treatment due to intolerance of HFNC. #SCCM2023

How do PARIS 1 and PARIS 2 compare? #SCCM2023

Paris 1 secondary outcomes also showed a slightly longer hospital stay and higher rate of PICU admissions.  #SCCM2023

Conclusions #SCCM2023

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