SalikaJasminDavis Profile picture

Jan 22, 2023, 6 tweets

Margaret Rutherford is known as the harmless battleaxe(Ox) of black and white British cinema. One of the best British actors of the last century born in 1892.

She was something of a late bloomer, opportunity didn't knock until she was in nearly 50.
It took years of dedication to her acting craft before her career gained steam. She was persistent, and it paid off.

Lies! You can't be rich & famous unless you're in the club a covert TG

Margaret married fellow actor James Buckley Stringer Davis in 1945.
FTM, transformers!
Stringer was in virtually all her films and plays.
They married in middle age.

Margaret Rutherford as a young child! Boy oh boy!
I found this description...
"Her face was unique, both angular and broad, with jutting chin"

Gait footage of Margaret Rutherford & Sid James at the Birmingham Hippodrome

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