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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Jan 23, 2023, 22 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 1.22 Another light news day

-Xi tops news, as usual, but program moves on to CCTV gala scenes and local color
-New Year's at sea, mountaintop and on space station.
-No broadcast of Russia Defense Ministry news
-Nice red bridge in Moscow
-Empire State Bldg blushes

But first, an obligatory genuflection to you know who.

"What's on the Chairman's mind?"

"Today the Chairman's mind is on the new life he has brought to old districts..."

CCTV can't resist a roundup of its previous day's show

Some photogenic scenes of a country in festival mode

Pingyao ancient city

New Year's in the barracks...

New Year's hiking in the Himalayas

Happy Year of the Rabbit from 4600 meters high

Happy New Year on a gunship at sea

Happy New Year from 400 km above earth

Calligraphy in space (does the ink float around?)

Incredible weightless dumplings in space
(these tasty jiaozi are good for those watching their weight)

A gulp of a water spheroid as it sits suspended in air

Peace and happiness...

One learns to view this shift in news focus with trepidation, as it usually signals a jump to Russian missiles blasting Ukraine, but... the only pyrotechnics are harmless fireworks...

The PM of Serbia "thanks" Xi Jinping, the CCP and the Chinese people
(in that order)

Moscow looking festive for a change.

A Soviet-era bridge over frozen river lit red

It's nice to see Moscow outside of the scope of the usual indefensible Defense News update.

And here's to New York, with the Empire State lit up in "China Red"

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