Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Jan 23, 2023, 11 tweets

FLASH: Today, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari @MBuhari will be in Lagos to commission the Fully Completed #LekkiDeepSeaPort … A Landmark Project in Lagos State.


The #LekkiDeepSeaPort is a joint venture enterprise owned by a group of investors led by the Lekki Port Investment Holdings Inc., The Lagos State Government and the Federal Govt.


#LekkiDeepSeaPort is located approximately 65km to the East of Lagos city and spreading over 90 hectares of land bordered on the South by the Atlantic Ocean. It is the biggest port in Nigeria, and one of the biggest in sub-Saharan Africa.


#LekkiDeepSeaPort is a depth of 19 meters & equipped with best-in-class facilities that provide large volume shipping operations and terminalling services, it is the deepest seaport in West Africa.


The #LekkiDeepSeaPort has a Marine infrastructure comprising a 9-km-long navigation channel, a 600-m wide turning basin, breakwaters, quays, and berthing facilities.


The Container Terminal consists of 3 berths, a 1,200m long quay, and a storage yard with over 15,000 ground slots... together supporting a throughput of 2.7 million TEUs annually i.e. 2.7 million 20-foot containers.


It also has A 1-Berth Dry Bulk and General Cargo Terminal with a capacity of up to 4 million metric tonnes of dry bulk per year.

A Liquid Bulk Terminal with 3 berths and a combined capacity to service vessels of up to 160,000 DWT.



The #LekkiDeepSeaPort is equipped with tank farm storage, loading arms, and connected by pipelines running along the breakwater to carry finished products cargo like petrol and diesel between the tank farm and the vessels.


The #LekkiDeepSeaPort will provide 24/7 operations throughout the year, using latest technology to facilitate smooth and efficient import and export of goods, ensuring smooth flow of cargo, and enabling opportunities to new businesses


The #LekkiDeepSeaPort will generate approximately $20b in employee salaries, An estimated $201b Revenue for State and federal agencies from taxes, royalties, and duties & an estimated business revenue impact of US$ 158 billion across the value chain.


Over 300,000 jobs will be created from port operations alone. And a lot more indirect jobs across the value chain.


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