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Jan 25, 2023, 8 tweets

Our new report explores loneliness at work in the UK, including the relationship between work and loneliness, the potential changes of home and hybrid working, and the experiences of different groups.

See our key findings below 👇…


We found 1 in 10 workers are often or always lonely at work. Half experience loneliness some of the time. That’s bad for business and the health and wellbeing of workers.

Disabled workers and those with long-term health conditions that affect their day-to-day lives are much more likely to report general loneliness than those without (24 per cent, compared to 9 per cent).

Workers from minoritised ethnic communities don’t have significantly higher levels of general loneliness than those who identify as white but they are more likely to often feel they have no one to talk to at work.

Senior managers report higher levels of general loneliness: 32% of senior managers are often or always lonely – which is over twice the average for UK workers – and are more likely to feel that their colleagues are like strangers

Our polling didn’t find higher levels of loneliness among workers who worked mainly from home, than those working onsite. Clearly, the relationship between work and loneliness is complex and employers must bear this in mind when deciding working arrangements after the pandemic.

The relationship between work and loneliness is complex and affects workers, business and the wider economy.

But employers and government can take action to address this problem. #tacklingloneliness

A BIG THANK YOU TO @KateJopling author of the report and her team (Elena Proffitt & @HeatherMPsych), and partners @EndLonelinessUK & @AstraFoundation.

Loneliness at work (


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