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Electrical Engineer | Sports Journalist @CapitalFMUganda | C.E.O, Founder @Malticard & @PirateMediar | @mtnug influencer | Staunch @ManUtd fan | plays the Sax🎷

Jan 25, 2023, 11 tweets


@mtnug in partnership with the @Educ_SportsUg and @ContinuumUG have launched an E-learning platform called @UlearnUg that can be accessed at zero data cost via the MTN network. #MTNFoundation #DoingGoodTogether

The platform offers a wide range of educational resources, including interactive lessons, quizzes, and videos to support teachers in delivering remote and blended learning. #MTNFoundation #DoingGoodTogether

As we speak, more than 1200 teachers and teacher educators from all over the country have been on- boarded and trained to study. #MTNFoundation #DoingGoodTogether

Here is a snippet of Tonny Kunihira the systems admin @UlearnUg telling you more about the platform. It provides excellent & relevant courses to enhance career skill set to be competitive #BetterYourself. #DoingGoodTogether #MTNFoundation

The launch has taken place from @NIISP_ICT in Nakawa in partnership with @Educ_SportsUg and @ContinuumUG to zero-rate the @UlearnUg teacher training platform. #DoingGoodTogether #MTNFoundation #UlearnZeroRated #BetterYourself

About @UlearnUg:

It is a professional teacher training platform with members providing educative resources online to support the Education system. Access the platform via education.go.ug & learn for free
#UlearnZeroRated #BetterYourself #DoingGoodTogether #MTNFoundation

“Everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected world, that is what drives us at MTN. We bring value to Ugandans because we need to continue connecting the global village to Ug” @BryanMbasa Snr. Manager, #MTNFoundation. #DoingGoodTogether #UlearnZeroRated #BetterYourself

“During the pandemic, we zero-rated over 50 websites for Ugandans, teachers, and students to be able to access educational material for free using MTN internet” said @BryanMbasa. #DoingGoodTogether #UlearnZeroRated #BetterYourself

“We continue to work with the government to better Uganda's education. We are currently working on setting up a dormitory at Salaama School for the Blind after the unfortunate incident that happened in October last year” said @BryanMbasa. #DoingGoodTogether #UlearnZeroRated

@mtnug also has a bus that goes across the country to train students. Over 10,000 have been equipped with ICT skills. I would like to thank @Educ_SportsUg for trailblazing this” continued @BryanMbasa #MTNFoundation

“We have provided equipment for the national ICT hub and now there is an opportunity for us to grow this digitization and contribute to the development of Uganda” said @BryanMbasa #MTNFoundation #DoingGoodTogether

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