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Jan 25, 2023, 13 tweets

This is in Terezin, a Czech town where the Nazis ran a fortress and ghetto for Jews (Thereisenstadt).

I had become friendly with two lovely people called Julie and Gidon, who was a survivor…

His name is Gidon Lev. Here we are at the fortress, which is a prison complete with torture chamber.

This is him explaining the Nazi sign at the entrance “Abreit macht frei” (work will set you free)…

This is the size of the small cells where Jews were kept. About 60 people were held in a tiny cell and slept standing up.

They had no heating and temperatures reached about -15. The window was sealed shut so no air.

They weren’t really fed and had to walk 6km everyday to work.

For Jews it was a death sentence. By contrast, non-Jewish prisoners had much better conditions, with some heating, food, table, beds etc

This demonstrates why denying the Jewish specificity of the Holocaust is so wrong…

Meanwhile the Nazi guards enjoyed a lifestyle where they had a cinema and swimming pool etc…

Onto the Ghetto, where there was about 1.65 metres of space per person…

Artists continued making their art to leave a trace on the world, like a handprint in a cave.

Some of it is dreamlike, and some of it is nightmarish, reflecting their reality…

Meanwhile the crematorium had on average 150-180 bodies everyday and worked around the clock…

Terezin is also known for the Nazi propaganda film the Nazis made to try and convince the world that life was great in the camps.

It took about 8 months to setup, including fake shops and so on.

The people forced to create the film were killed afterwards in death camps…

While I was there a remembrance ceremony was held and a march of the living. The Rabbi did a beautiful job.

It was my honour to be part of the British delegation laying a wreath…

Gidon spoke and it was touching.

About 15,000 children perished in the ghetto and only a handful survived. Gidon is one and he is full of joy and life. But returning cannot be easy…

He was carrying his mother’s yellow star with him. I held it in the palm of my hand for what seemed like minutes. It felt like I was holding a piece of his soul

The one pictured here belonged to the aunt of another delegate, who was also held in the same ghetto….

Freezing cold, we returned to the warm bus. I doubt I would have lasted long in that place with the conditions Gidon has lived under.

I am a witness. Am yisrael chai #notonmywatch

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