Lynda Profile picture
Hi Bouzy 👋 CEO of Doubtible ~ Scam Hunter ~ 🥔 🧀 Connoisseur ~Abuse Has No Gender~ MenToo👨

Jan 25, 2023, 8 tweets

Bouzys Walletstake app that (Allegedly) spam tweeted on twitter accounts and ran bots who spam tweeted in 2014.👇Most of the followers of the walletstake twitter appear to be bots. Bouzy's company Egisca was the custom namesaver for Walletstake.

Walletstake from wayback. The grid resembles what you see on bot sentinels hate tracker.

Spam tweets, mostly bot accounts. You can search yourself by putting #walletstake into Twitter search.

Bouzy was called out by a few humans. (Note his current twitter handle)

I believe IE AKA Bouzy also owned the forum coinblab. More to come on that later.

@LordieLFC You got me the final piece I was missing. I know I said it a hundred times already but Thank You ❤

@Neveragain732 You are a Rockstar and I thank you for your work ❤

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