Lynda Profile picture
Hi Bouzy 👋 CEO of Doubtible ~ Scam Hunter ~ 🥔 🧀 Connoisseur ~Abuse Has No Gender~ MenToo👨

Jan 26, 2023, 9 tweets

I can confirm Coinblab, the crypto forum that launched Bouzy's Bytecent coin was in fact owned by Bouzy. Coinblab had bots running on twitter that were spam posting about the site and Bytecent. Put #coinblab into Twitter search to see. I'm including some 👇

Bots spam posting.

More postings.

One user asks bouzy why, that's a very good question.

Many of the bots that were posting about Bytecent and Coinblab were also following Bouzy. I'll put a few here.

Here's this gem from the blog on coinblab. Some people never change. At least we know where the current narrative started. Enjoy 😁

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