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Jan 27, 2023, 7 tweets

Excerpt from the presentation of Minister of Water resources on the achievements of PMB in the Ministry of Water Resources.

From 2016 to 2022 Buhari Administration have completed/rehabilitated 15 dams projects.


The Ministry of Water Resources has taken some steps to reposition the 12 River Basin Development Authorities (RBDAs) for effective delivery of their mandate, read some of the steps here👇👇:


"Improved management and operations of 400 dams, since 2015, have resulted in an increase of 1.8 Billion Cubic Metres (BCM) of impounded water across various dams and reservoirs spread around Nigeria, bringing the total volume of impounded water to 30.1BCM."


Under the PMB administration "An irrigation program tagged "National Irrigation Programme 2016- 2030," is being implemented. The program aims to reduce dependency on rain-fed agriculture, boost agriculture production and support the nation's quest for food security".#PMBScorecard

Under Buhari Administration, The Ministry of water resources has 8 ongoing priority dam projects. These are 1. Mangu Dam, Plateau (17.8 Million Cubic Metres) - 85% completed.
2. Ingawa/Dallaje Dam, Katsina State, (19.5 MCM) - 70% completed; read the remaining here


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