Oliver Johnson Profile picture
Figuring things out. Incoming Head of School @BristolUniMaths. Saving the good stuff for https://t.co/uPf3yzOrrv Numbercrunch https://t.co/Tu9ntc9cJ0

Jan 27, 2023, 8 tweets

One very exciting (if daunting!) thing about Numbercrunch amzn.to/3O9vX6L was having it read by some of my absolute favourite number-focused writers. I'll share their comments in the next few weeks, starting with this from @TimHarford - huge thanks to all of them.

Another Numbercrunch endorsement that I was really happy about was this from @Ananyo, whose own von Neumann biography was the best thing I read last year. Might have to add "maths-whisperer on a mission" to my Twitter bio!

@Ananyo I've learned a huge amount (both about infectious diseases and about how to write for a general audience) from @adamjkucharski, so I was delighted to be able to send him Numbercrunch and to hear his comments.

@Ananyo @adamjkucharski Someone who always does a great job explaining things with numbers is @TomChivers, so I was delighted that he liked Numbercrunch. (I now feel bad I didn't write it years ago, but in my defence #NuggsForCarter and That 7-2 Win hadn't happened then). Amazon amzn.to/3O9vX6L

I had a great trip to visit @Soccermatics in Uppsala back in 2015 (where does time go?) and his books on maths and the wider world have always been a beacon of clarity to me. David gave me great advice when I first set out to write my own book, so I'm pleased he liked the result!

Of course, @d_spiegel is a true hero of the art of bringing numbers and data to life, so I'm extremely proud to be able to pass on his kind words.

(Reminder, Numbercrunch is published in less than 3 weeks' time, on 2nd March, and can be pre-ordered here amzn.to/3O9vX6L)

@d_spiegel Finally, if only alphabetically, here's @whippletom (whose own book is out in May, and looks great amazon.co.uk/Battle-Beams-s…)

So that's Numbercrunch. It's published in 2.5 weeks. It's less COVID-y than my stuff here, and has better illustrations and grammar amzn.to/3O9vX6L

And once more, with actual image ..

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