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Dispatches from the rabbit hole from a senile, crazy gadfly who--in his more lucid moments--provides fire and EMS news.

Jan 27, 2023, 6 tweets

(1) Within 12 hrs of tweets--including one from @STATter911--that @dcfireems was dispatched to a bad location for a pedestrian hit, @OUC_DC responded it wasn't its fault, tagging @SafeDC . On a Saturday morning! But total silence about 3 incidents this week. (more) @CMBrookePinto

(2) Almost 24 hrs ago, @dcfireems was sent to the wrong address on a shooting, losing 5 mins. 48 hrs ago 4.5 mins were lost with a bad dispatch for a cardiac arrest call. And about 60 hrs ago, 12 mins were lost checking out 2 bad addresses on a trouble breathing call. (more)

(3) What is it about the elderly cardiac arrest patient, the shooting victim & the person with trouble breathing that @OUC_DC believes their cases aren't worthy of an answer? Could it possibly be because OUC has determined mistakes were made? (more)

(4) @OUC_DC's leadership likes to claim transparency without really practicing it. Just ask David Griffin's daughter @agirllikemeeeee or Sheila Shepperd's family if you want to understand just how cruel DC 911 can be in withholding info about the deaths of their loved ones.(more)

(5) It's transactional transparency with @OUC_DC. They stay quiet & usually refuse to release info (claiming privacy) when news isn't good. It's rare for DC 911 to own up to errors, even in the 11 previous deaths STATter911 uncovered where there were clearly 911 mistakes. (more)

(6) When will people, including the @councilofdc & other city leaders, wake up to how poorly the public is served by DC 911? When will they demand change? When will they finally #FixDC911?

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