Birmingham 81 Profile picture
Music, architecture, photography, design etc. Sharing my concert photos taken in Birmingham in 81/82 (hence the name). Plus other stuff I've hoarded

Jan 28, 2023, 8 tweets

Happy birthday to Robert Wyatt. Here’s his fab version of I'm A Believer on #TOTP in 1974. The producer asked him to sit in a wicker chair as a wheelchair "was not suitable for family viewing". Robert told him where to go (THREAD)

And here's Robert Wyatt performing Sea Song on French TV in 1975. The full 9-min recording, which also includes Alifib, is at

As it's Robert Wyatt's birthday, here are his impeccable selections for the "portrait of the artist as a consumer" feature in the NME from 1982 (THREAD)

Stumbled across this cool Robert Wyatt artwork in Canterbury a few years ago. Created by @stewysstencils, it’s near the Kudos restaurant, which was formerly The Beehive Club where The Wilde Flowers and early line-ups of Caravan and Soft Machine played #CanterburyScene (THREAD)

@stewysstencils This is brilliant - Robert Wyatt and Elvis Costello discussing Shipbuilding on Loose Talk in 1983. Includes the video for Robert's beautiful version

I played Robert Wyatt’s version of I’m A Believer as part of my 7” disco when I hosted virtual drinks at @thesociallondon during lockdown. The full playlist is at… (THREAD)

Now playing Robert Wyatt's amazing version of Chic's At Last I'm Free. It's the closing track on my Spotify compilation of tunes produced or engineered by Adam Kidron - listen here:… (THREAD)

Now playing Rock Bottom by birthday-boy Robert Wyatt (THREAD)…

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