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Jan 28, 2023, 11 tweets

#vandebharatexpress , Indigenously designed & built by ICF, is certainly something that India shd be proud of. Covered interesting new features at the end of this thread. 1st some important shortfalls as feedback to @proicfindrlys n @RailMinIndia to improve @AshwiniVaishnaw 1/9

Observations abt 1 month old Coach C6 of @VandeBharatExp (BLR to MAS), limited to area around toilets. One can assume that such flaws can be found in other coaches too:
- Cracked washbasin & water spillage in WC toilet
- Lock of Indian closet refitted several times & broken 2/9

The panel enclosing door-closure drive & side panels near toilet are made by manually cutting large fiber sheet.
- Fitment ununiform, gaps seen
- Side panels have left scratches on this door while opening.
- Missing Screws.
- Holes to read meter are cut crudely, no tool used 3/9

Improperly fit covers for equipment bays & crude-cut holes. They expose lack of
- standard measures & use of templates
- supervision & post fitting quality inspection
Possible wastage of material & rework in immediate future #ICF 4/9

Polished steel sheet is used as skirting around the wall panel. They are fused to the panel improperly using glue - a poor choice. Gaps seen; Glue spillage; Dirty and doesn't fit the high standards of #vandebharatexpress @proicfindrlys #ICF 5/9

The custom made enclosure for automatic door-closure drive (main door) is fixed with piano hinges. Hinges bent and not fixed properly. Possibly will require rework very soon

Difficulty in Bengaluru since many were alighting from & getting into the same 2 coaches with luggage

Passenger friendly features of #vandebharatexpress
-Auto main closure of Door, with emergency button
-Emergency intercom to crew on board
-Seats with Comfortable legroom, tray table and number labels.
-Seats, LED lighting, luggage racks & ambience better than aircrafts 7/9

New Features of #vandebharatexpress
-Individual Foot rest, USB port, power socket, bottle holder
-Digital display of speed and other announcements
-CCTV Camera
-Inset recessed footboard helpful for the elderly
-Good snacks for reasonable price 8/9

New Features of #vandebharatexpress
-Toilets on one end & modern pantry on other end
-Vacuum toilets with health faucet
-No washbasins outside, avoids mess up
-High quality fittings

To TOP IT ALL, ITS SPEED. Overall Great Experience onboard 😃 9/9 @MJ_007Club

Automated door closure for passenger area in #vandebharatexpress improves convenience. Automatic main door improves safety. Provides emergency button too. See video. 10/n

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