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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Jan 28, 2023, 23 tweets


-China in solidarity with protests everywhere*
-China feels for victims of state violence*
-China cares about minorities*

-California incidents involving Chinese not covered
-But CCTV is back on the social justice beat

*except in China

The biggest news spread in today's news comes from Tennessee where CCTV has a reporter on the ground.

The report from Memphis about the footage of the Jan. 6 death of Tyre Nichols tragedy is appropriately harrowing.
No holds barred in showing horrific police violence.

The CCTV announcers and voice-over artists have trouble pronouncing the word "Nichols"

When they get it right it sounds like "ni-ke-er-si" and when they get it wrong, well, better left unsaid.

Sympathetic protests erupt across the US.

CCTV's alert camera crew zooms in on various signs, but anything posted by a group claiming to be "socialist" gets special attention.

Until this front-line news "scoop," the most heated protests covered by CCTV camera crews involved the tranquil labor strikes in London.

CCTV went out of its way to ignore the similarly peaceful protests that swept China in November, now known as the white paper movement.

(Not on CCTV)

There was a peaceful protest near CCTV HQ in Beijing at Liangmahe. Young men and women holding up sheets of blank paper were whisked away.
CCTV's veteran news crews were afraid to cover it


China cares about Russia's safety and sovereignty, which is why it supports Putin's "special military operation" and has aired Russian Defense footage every day for almost a year now.

China cares about Ukraine getting clobbered and thinks they should quickly surrender to bring peace to the battlefield.

China cares about foreign encroachment which is why it opposes Western support of Ukraine. The West should mind its own business, like China does.

China lends an ear to peace-loving Putin spokeswoman Maria Zakharova who is outraged about the introduction of German tanks to a battle that Russia was presumably on the verge of winning.

China cares about what Russia's Foreign Ministry says.

And it says that Russia wants peace, on certain terms, of course.

Victor Orban, Putin's leading European lapdog, is a peaceful pup. He wants peace so much he wishes that Western powers would stop making war on Russia.

War? Can that word even be uttered on CCTV?
Not in the context of Russia, no.
But yes, if it's Orban slamming the West.

CCTV has a man on the ground in Berlin where a huge demonstration is threatening to alter the course of history.

Dozens, maybe more, swell the public plaza in front of Brandenburg Gate.

"We are against Germany supplying tanks to Ukraine."

"They're using our region to hem in Russia"
"That's the root cause of the conflict."
"America is sacrificing Europe for its own benefit."
"This is simply unacceptable!!!"

Meanwhile, back in the Motherland...

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