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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Jan 29, 2023, 6 tweets

1. The Congress will win 2024 elections. It is not a matter of fact. It is a matter of faith. You can lose an election. You can never lose faith. #BharatJodiYatra has restored the faith that supporters found waning till a few years back. #RahulGandhi led #BJY by not making it a

2. grand roadshow that are so associated with Narendra Modi. Rahul Gandhi, instead has walked with people, connected to their pains & sorrow. Unlike the grand marketing machinery that Modi is, Rahul Gandhi is a man of truth, honesty & empathy. Cong. in him has found an ideologue

3. of this time unlike BJP which is still rooted to the days of Golwalker & Savarkar. It is a critical difference because politics without ideology turns into an opportunistic business pulling the society into its vortex. RG in that sense is a man beyond the pettiness of politics

4. #BJY proved this with the clear message of RG. India needs to walk the path of peace, harmony if it needs to reach its goals of economic prosperity & global supremacy. For long RG stayed within the closed walls of political rumble where hate begets more hate & where reason is

5. mocked upon. Then, he decided to move. & not move away but move to the people, with the people. All that noise was left behind. That’s the faith. It is not in politics, it is in People, it is in values. & this faith restored by Rahul Gandhi should be a strong case for Congress

6. victory in 2024. By steering clear of narrative of hate, & breaking the walls of media narratives, Rahul Gandhi has shifted the battlefield to a fight for the dignity of common people. Because 🇮🇳 cannot be a Vishwaguru if the basic dignity to life of its citizens is threatened

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