raia 🐨 Profile picture
tend to create universes when getting bored, but mainly come to adore & support. here for the faens (bright-krist-gulf-tay) & nong chais (win-nanon-fourth) 🤗💖

Jan 30, 2023, 18 tweets

#APOBIBLE sometweets au!

"Wichapas" "Kenapa, kak apo?"

1. nyariin barcode

2. bible

3. hati-hati

4. izin nginep

5. gue lu

6. wicked boy

7. order burger

8. kelap kelip


10. dimarahin barcode

11. lgsg dikasih contoh


13. driving coach

14. ganteng

15. bib

16. saturdate

17. wichapas wattanagitiphat 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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