Champak Lal Profile picture

Jan 30, 2023, 7 tweets

#Myth_1 : “Marathas confined Mughal rule only till Delhi in 1770”.

Map posted by @Aabhas24 indicates that Mughal empire is vast than Maratha nobility (part of Mughal empire).

Mirza Najaf Khan (1773 - 81) will conquer more in comming years & extend Mughal territories.


#Myth_2 : “Hyderbad, Awadh etc were independent from direct Timurid rule”.

Chhatrapati of Satara (officially a slave of Mughal emperor) didnt even control a single town properly, leave aside all these lands which you show as “maratha dominions”.


#Myth_3 : “Maratha conquered Attock and Punjab”.

Mughal forces conquered Attock and Punjab led by Nazim Adina Beg and Subahdar Khawaza Mirza Khan.

Marathas accompanied them as “vassals” according to the treaty with Emperor Ahmad Shah Bahadur.


#Myth_4 : “British took Delhi from Daulat rao sindhia (maratha)”.

Daulat rao sindhia was an official of Mughal empire and a slave of Peshwa, who himself was a slave of Emperor Shah Alam, according to his own words.


#Myth_5 : “Maratha dominions were vast than Emperor Akbar's dominions”.

Emperor Akbar’s empire spanned upto 9,79,644 miles² ; while you must present ‘analysed area’ of peak maratha dominion.

Just compare the maps below (a graphical refutation).


Errors in the maps posted by @Aabhas24 :—

#Error_1 : Berar is shown as maratha territory, yet Nizam took 40%-60% of its tribute & appointed governors.

#Error_2 : Jaisalmer & Bikaner weren't maratha vassals or tributaries, yet are shown as maratha territory in 1760 map.


#Error_3 : Bhopal state is shown as maratha territory though Daulat Rao himself failed to prove this when questioned.

#Error_4 : certain Rajput states are shown as maratha territory on the basis that they paid chauth, but at the very same time they paid khiraj to emperor.


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