Did you know that the governor of Rhode Island sent the National Guard door to door in 2020?
What for?
To tell New Yorkers who had fled to second homes to quarantine.
It's true.
Did you know this?
This man received a notice to quarantine, he is a New Yorker after all. He said he would.
No problem sir.
They pulled over cars with New York plates.
Ordered by @GinaRaimondo, our current secretary of commerce under the Biden administration.
What if you weren't from New York City?
Here's the state police and National Guard working together to find New Yorkers.
To tell them to quarantine for 14 days.
Americans don't have internal passports.
Papers aren't checked when you enter a different state.
"I think having a physical presence in these communities is very important, it shows how serious this is."
Was it not serious before?
"...asking them questions about their travel, while also telling them about the mandatory quarantine"
Why ask for details of someone's trip?
Was this just a media stunt?
How widespread was this?
Was it just Westerly that had the guard going door to door?
The @ACLU recognized the civil rights nightmare that this was.
I hope they can examine more of the covid response. This was over the top—it was comical—they had to say something.
They knew there would be a price to pay for allowing this.
So they urged her to reconsider.
The virus was already there.
The director of the Dept. of Health said *people who have symptoms and unable to get tested* are the ones who should quarantine.
Not to quarantine healthy people.
Why was her advice not followed?
You have to wonder, when did they get the door to door idea? It was not in the original plan.
Early on in Rhode Island, travel to New York and Boston, then coming back to Rhode Island, was reported to account for all of the cases.
This was reported to be on the border of Connecticut and Rhode Island.
To catch the dirty New Yorkers.
It was reported that NYC hospitals were so overrun, no one was available for labor & delivery.
NYC residents were coming to Rhode Island to give birth. Apparently.
One day before the governor announced the quarantine.
This was uploaded March 29, 2022.
State troopers pulling over New Yorkers in a mad dash. Three NY cars pulled over on the side of the road together.
Geo-located with mile marker 42 at the end of the video on I-95.
Proof that it's the correct geo-location.
100,000 masks to RI on April 3.
The police had to form a parade to guard the masks, they were that valuable.
MA state troopers in this video.
Cuomo said on March 28 that he let Rhode Island know that what they were doing was not legal.
Pull over.
Now tell us why you're here.
March 29, 2020
Rhode Island side of the Connecticut/Rhode Island border.
March 27, 2020
Show of force to deter New Yorkers from leaving their state.
March 29, 2020.
A checkpoint looking for New Yorkers and Connecticut residents.
Richmond, RI March 29, 2020
Door to door in Westerly.
New Yorker found.
March 28, 2020
More MPs and state troopers checking New Yorkers as they come into the state.
By March 31, they were requiring all out of state plates to pull over to the checkpoint.
Cuomo must have told them that they can't just target New Yorkers.
March 29, 2020
New Yorker pulled over for being a New Yorker.
March 27, 2020
By April 1, they were making out of state residents take covid tests when they were at a checkpoint.
The failure to protect people's rights was remarkable.
What these governors did—
—will be a mark on America forever.
They created unconstitutional policies, then retaliated and whined when neighbor states did it back.
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