Bhargavi Paranjape Profile picture
PhD student at @uwcse

Jan 31, 2023, 6 tweets

✨ New Paper ✨ on robust optimization to mitigate unspecified spurious features, accepted to #ICLR2023.
We present AGRO, a novel min-max optimization method that jointly finds coherent error-prone groups in training data and minimizes worst expected loss over them.
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2/ Human evaluation of ARGO groups in popular benchmark datasets shows that they contain well-defined, yet ✨ previously unstudied ✨ spurious correlations. For e.g., blondes wearing hats or sunglasses in CelebA and MNLI entailment examples with antonyms. More examples in paper.

3/ Group distributionally robust optimization (G-DRO) mitigates distributional shifts caused by spurious correlations in the training data by minimizing the worst expected loss over pre-identified groups in the data.

4/ AGRO equips G-DRO with an adversarial slicing model to find a group assignment for training examples that maximizes the worst-case loss over the assignment, finding a group assignment that is maximally informative for G-DRO.

5/ On the WILDS benchmark, AGRO results in 8% higher model performance on average on known worst-groups. AGRO also improves out-of-distribution performance on SST2, QQP, and MS-COCO—datasets where potential spurious correlations are as yet uncharacterized.

Online greedy algorithm for AGRO 🔽

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