Joe F Spaulding 🦉 Profile picture
petitionin' ain't easy, don't be sleazy | helped launch @distillsocial and @notpoliticians | political consultant 🇺🇸 he/him/his 🇲🇽 |

Jan 31, 2023, 12 tweets

CM Doug Zylstra explains former Republican Attorney General of Michigan Mike Cox is on record saying the commission doesn't have the authority legally to replace the health administrator without cause. Then Jacob Bonnema says CM Curran's question went unanswered...

Rewind 5 minutes, and you'll see Curran asking about the review process for the position. Moss quickly pipes in, unrecognized by the chair, and proceeds to sandwich grandstanding between two questions.

This is corporate misogyny on full display. Joe Moss is a pig and a coward.

Moss makes a last ditch effort to coach CM Cosby behind the scenes in an illegal closed session deliberation; he doesn't even have the floor. He loses his "MOTION!" to recess.

Cosby drops the bombshell: Ottawa Impact illegally conducted county business using campaign donations.

CM Zylstra asks a few questions that make it very clear CM Cosby and Ottawa Impact were acting as commissioners before they were sworn in.

Cosby thinks this is a game, and smirks as she repeats a cringy talking point built on hope for a likely non-existent legal loophole.

Doug asks important questions and Joe Moss interrupts to grandstand, equating violating OMA to helping citizens take back their government.
Doug expertly redirects the conversation back to actually broken laws. Cosby contradicts herself, backtracking from deciding to considering.

Finally, as a palate cleanser, I give you @DrRobDavidson, eloquently outlining exactly how Commissioner Cosby implicated herself and all members of Ottawa Impact in a conspiracy to circumvent the Open Meetings Act and enrich Joe Moss' business partners family.

Reading my mind at the time, @DrRobDavidson hopes @MIAttyGen @dananessel watches these videos to see these unforced errors snowball into entire confessions of major criming, including having a political non-profit like Ottawa Impact correctly oversee county business.

If Gretchen Whitmer stood at the podium tomorrow in front of a press conference and said she's replacing top level government staff with a list of people she got from Planned Parenthood, it would be Armageddon across the Mitten.

This is the county level right-wing equivalent.

The Kallman-Moss conflict of interest isn't deniable.

If our attorney is replaced by a stooge, when Joe Moss tramples on the rights of residents and gets inevitably sued, his business partner's family gets paid to defend the county

Ottawa Impact gets more donations from them.

So in short...

The KallMoss grift is real.

Joe Moss is a swine and a coward.

Ottawa Impact is a crime family, and not even the fun kind, the whìte natìonalist kind.

MI AG should look into these videos.

And if you are shocked or upset by any of it, please like and retweet!

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