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Feb 1, 2023, 7 tweets

Indians hope that the budget is good for them and they can share sweets. But every year, for a small group of people, the finance minister turns into a Halwaai. #Budget2023

The Halwa ceremony is the traditional start of the budget process. More than 100 officials of the Finance Ministry, will be locked up (Big Boss style) in the Budget printing press till the Budget speech is over.

Last year due to Omicron, finance minister didn't prepare the halwa on a kadhai.

Instead, she distributed sweets to all the people involved before locking them up inside the finance ministry... True lockdown stylz.

This year the finance minister was in a good mood - maybe we have some good news in store for us. #Budget2023

The final budget that is read out, is quite verbose and runs into pages.

India's 1st FM Shanmukham Chetty carried his papers in a leather briefcase. That tradition continued till 2019, when Nirmala Sitharaman used a Bhai-Katha.

The 2021 budget was the first to go paperless.

The word budget itself comes for a French word 'Bougette' which means little bag.

The first budget box was used by William Gladstone in 1860.

Gladstone is said to have asked for a box as he was known to give long speeches and required it to keep his papers.

UK changed the box only in 2011 as the old box had become shabby.

Rishi Sunak, professional Ashish Nehra Doppleganger and the current PM of UK had given the budget in 2021 with the red briefcase.

#Budget2023 #BudgetSession2023 #BudgetHistory

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