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Feb 1, 2023, 11 tweets


The Magical Revolution of Reincarnated Princess and Genius Young Lady Episode 5

Climax delivered in almost flawless way boarded and directed by Shingo Tamaki with fascinating soundtrack, great voice performances and animations which carved a mark on the show.

The episode showed just how far Anis is willing to go to aquire magic and this naturally contradicts Euphie's views and this whole time we were witnessing that even if she is so cheerful and confident Anis is willing to go through dangerous means to fulfil her inner desire.

We've seen previous depictions of Anis fighting style in episode 1 but that was only a glimpse of what would come next. For a series whose most noteble feature isn't action these are certainly impressive and dynamic cuts that showed how reckless and scary Anis is.

After witnessing how swift Anis's magic tools are we get to see the huge gap between proper and beautifil magic of Euphie which Anis just so deeply years for. It is a goal that drives her forward but on path that could caused her lose herself thus she needs support.

I suppose there wouldn't be many dragons later down the line so it is very nice that we got a 2D one instead. Kouta Moroishi was Monster Animation Director for this episode and I wanted to first mention a name and to point that this role means handling correction on monsters.

I'm sure many were surprised just how impressive the effects are or if you haven't thought of that chances are you were probably amazed. Kazunori Ozawa was Effects Animation Director and I was honestly caught of guard, sure it may be bright but it definitely had an impact.

The OST in this episode definitely showed especially when building tension and excitement. I need to mention the sequence where Euphie flew towards Anis because that surely felt hype. I may have not paid much attention to music recently but this episode deserves that.

Manaka Iwami's performance during speech was absolutely stellar. You could hear how much soul she put in it and I was floored. Naturally seiyuu are extremely great at their job but I really had to point out how amazing that delivery was. It made this scene so much more impactful.

Many fought that the of fight was in the air but noone was ready for what appeared next. In a fashion reminiscent of action shows Anis and Euphie unleashed a final slash that could be seen not only as manifestation of their mana but also bond. Presumed cut by Tsurugi Kato.

Perhaps as a some kind of reward for slaying the dragon she was cursed and while now we don't have much explanations for that, I could suspect she will need Euphie's assist to not only fulfil her dream but to carve a path whatever it may be.

Huge portion if not majority was given to the dragon climax and portion to close or rather open the pages for future of these two. Who envy one another but complete themselves by filling those aspects that other lacks. Can they bring a change to themselves and the world?

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