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Dispatches from the rabbit hole from a senile, crazy gadfly who--in his more lucid moments--provides fire and EMS news.

Feb 1, 2023, 7 tweets

(1) NEW: At least 7 minutes lost today during another CPR call. We don't yet know why DC 911 sent @dcfireems to 1901 1st St NW & not 901 1st St NW, but this is isn't the first time this exact error was made. (more) @SafeDC @CMBrookePinto @brookepintodc @ChmnMendelson @MayorBowser

(2) LISTEN: At 7:19 a.m., DC 911 sent units to a cardiac arrest call with CPR in progress at 1901 1st Street NW at a nursing home. (more)

(3) LISTEN: Both Medic 2 & Engine 12 realized something is wrong. They knew there's no nursing home at 1901 1st NW but that the JB Johnson Nursing Center, a very common location for EMS runs, is at 901 1st NW. (more)

(4) LISTEN: The dispatcher verified that the call was at JB Johnson, 901 1st NW at about 7 minutes after this began. Truck 4 & some of the units for 1901 were sent to 901. A minute later, Truck 4 confirmed CPR in progress. (more)

(5) 3 years ago, DC 911 did the exact same thing, sending @dcfireems to 1901 1st St. NW instead of 901. In fact, I didn't make a new map for this tweet. Just took it from this old tweet.

(6) Last week, @OUC_DC sent @dcfireems to the SW waterfront for a CPR call at an assisted living facility 8 miles away. They also sent them to the wrong quadrant for a shooting & to 3 different addresses for a trouble breathing call. (more)

(7) When will @MayorBowser finally try to #FixDC911? On top of the many mistakes, there' s no accountability, transparency & leadership. These errors harm people. Shameful.

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