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Feb 1, 2023, 9 tweets


The Eminence in Shadow Episode 18

When show is not afraid to simply mock known tropes and play around typical concepts it brings some of the most hilarious results. From NPC conversations, to Eminence roleplay and overthinking Cid does not disappoint.

It has been a while since last time we saw Claire and who would have thought that once she returned Cid's life would be in danger. Perhaps its not that great to have a sister so obsessed on you but on the other hand she would protect him, right?

Since Cid is already in an environemnt with non NPC he has to at least gather info what they think of Mundane and as expected his plan is flawless! There is something amusing when Cid pats himself on the back just how well of a Mob/Eminence job he makes when it is often so far.

The most awkward part of the episode was the hilarious conversation between Beatrix and Cid that was the complete opposite of a cool and brief exchange that 2 Eminences would have only to be met with the most NPC like dialogue. It was so funny with close ups and direction.

It still cracks me up when Cid uses various one-liners and means to just stirr his opponent to evoke the exact reaction he desires. Sure the Annerose battle was one sided from the start but still amusing to witness. When he said afterimage it was dope.

Many would be reminded of Overlord and how by doing absolutely nothing in that direction Cid ends up causing interest of various parties. That is precisely what I felt of Perv when he ordered a minion to investigate Mundane. Funny how he dismissed truth cuz he is a man.

You just know that you've seen this exact scene play out in multiple other series in a very predictable way but because this is Eminence we're talking about it has to be flipped on its head and completly made fun. Such an important scene for Annerose and Skel had to ruin it F.

Love how Cid tries to come up with perfect way for Eminence even going as far as to consider picking an evil route for a cooler effect. Perhaps an Eminence buddy would really help him too. Oh well, he definitely is fine like that.

And that marks the end of this episode that honestly as funnier than I expected and no doubt huge part of it is thanks to direction and overall execution. Next we're approaching climax of this arc and season and I don't want to say goodbye yet. 2 episodes left.

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