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The Omnichain Trading Terminal. Core Contributors to @HallFDN.

Feb 2, 2023, 48 tweets

What's happening on @terra_money? 🌕

Ask no longer: Coinhall has prepared a glossary highlight of active & new protocols developing in the Terra ecosystem! 🛠️

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Astroport holds over 70% (~$30.3m) of Terra's TVL, as reported by DefiLlama.

It is the hub of incentivized liquidity pools for many native Terra tokens such as $LUNA/#ampLUNA, $ASTRO/#axlUSDC, and $LUNA/#LunaX!

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Terraswap is another reliable alternative and actually was the first ever decentralized exchange to launch on the original Terra network. The platform also offers transparent volume & liquidity statistics displayed on its dashboard.

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Contro will be a decentralized exchange with a novel feature: prediction markets. Upon the expected launch of its minimum viable product on Terra in April 2023, users can participate in binary options & futures on listed assets' prices!

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Dexter is an AMM inspired by Solidly and Velodrome on the Optimism network - to be built on Terra soon to facilitate the Alliance Liquid Staking Derivative wars.

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WhiteWhale is an interchain arbitrage protocol connecting liquidity across Cosmos (including Terra) to lower price disparities and deepen liquidity.

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Coinhall is a real-time price charts and analytics platform, DEX aggregator for any Terra token swaps; Historical order tracking, market cap data, and more!

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Terrascope is the favorite explorer among many for the Terra Blockchain. Track any on-chain transaction.

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TFM is a real-time price charts & analytics platform, NFT + DEX aggregator with swaps & limit orders for any Terra tokens, and a planned CLOB model on the way.

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Seer is an advanced real-time data indexing platform that offers efficient API suites, blockchain alerts, and more comprehensive on-chain data analysis tools.

Here is a sneak-peak at some metrics @seer_coinhall.

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MetricsDAO is working on publishing free & accessible Terra data using Flipside's Crypto SQL editor, with bounties available for analysts to build dashboards.

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Arbie helps with 24/7 token price tracking & arbitrage discovery opportunities, with a Chrome extension available.

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TerRarity tracks the rankings & top collections of listed NFT projects on Terra.

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Stader is currently the largest liquid-staking platform on Terra by far with $LunaX. Users can enjoy auto-compounding benefits and $SD + $LUNA rewards when participating in their staked pools.

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Stride has announced plans to integrate with Terra and advance their $stLUNA token.

They will incentivize their liquidity pools on Astroport with their own token and distribute $STRD airdrops to $LUNA stakers.

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Eris is a protocol that offers liquid staking and slow-burn arbitrage, providing products to enhance $ampLUNA's peg to underlying assets.

It allows users to compound their staking rewards and liquidity pool yields automatically.

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Backbone Labs is the first community-based pioneered $bLUNA liquid staking derivative token in partnership with Skeleton Punks.

The token currently ranks 2nd in 30D swap volume across Terra LSDs with ~400k $USD! (Source: @seer_coinhall)

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Pulsar offers users an all-in-one portfolio management dashboard to track Terra asset prices & holdings in real time.

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Redacted Money is a trustless Zero Knowledge protocol that exists to ensure that your interchain transactions are kept anonymous with their mixer.

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Capapult is building $SOLID, a Terra native decentralized stablecoin operating as a CDP, collateralized by liquid staking derivatives.

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Skip is working to mitigate harmful MEV extraction effects and help Terra leverage their block space to enrich network stakeholders with benign MEV revenue.

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Andromeda is building the layer for drag & drop no-code tooling to advance contract creations and accessibility. They have previously deployed their testnet on Terra.

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Warp Protocol is building a decentralized event handler on Terra, enabling users to schedule future transactions without relying on centralized bots/scripts.

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Entropic has built the Entropy Beacon, a decentralized randomness generator for applications built on Terra.

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Nauticus is a DeFi protocol allowing portfolio risk management, and fixed yield earning via yield farms and liquidity pool token splitting.

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Y-Foundry is building the next-generation protocol funding solution that prioritizes community involvement and decentralization. The vaults aim to cultivate a community-first approach to seed funding and resource allocation.

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Prism Protocol reintroduces itself back as a leading yield derivative platform with their LSD $cLUNA. Prism will allow holders to maximize yield returns through protocol-defined maturity options in the near future.

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Spectrum is a yield optimizer where users can auto-compound their Terra liquidity pools and single tokens rewards.

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Sayve is an NFT project that focuses on language learning AI. By combining the concept of language learning with Web3 technology and token rewards, the Sayve Protocol offers users a unique 'Learn to Earn' experience.

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Terra Poker: Texas Hold Em’ Poker style interactive game on Terra.

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Genie is a Web3 growth tooling where projects can access historical wallet data to deploy highly targeted campaigns; say goodbye to unsustainable incentive models.

The first campaign went live on Terra just last week!

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Valkyrie drives dApp activations with its ‘Share to Earn’ solution. Aside from being a launchpad, protocols can use Valkyrie to create incentivized campaigns for user participation toward their objectives.

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<Money Markets>
Cavern is remarked as the resurrected version of the previous Anchor - but instead features a variable APY that reflects the organic yield generated by borrowers. Additionally, they will be introducing their own LSD token, $aLUNA.

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<Money Markets>
Neptune Finance plans to introduce a cutting-edge money market that allows users to lend, borrow, and invest using collateral from any IBC-compatible chain, with initial focus on Terra. The launch is scheduled for 2023.

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<Money Markets>
Edge Protocol released its first phase of the money market in December 2022, enabling users to borrow $LUNA using #axlUSDC as collateral.

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NFTSwitch offers a peer-to-peer, private sale over-the-counter platform for NFT transactions.

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Illiquid provides a secure and efficient peer-to-peer platform for NFTs, and raffles. Users in future may also use NFTs as loan collateral.

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RandomEarth, the first NFT marketplace built on the original Terra network, continues to offer a robust platform.

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Talis empowers freelance creators to mint their own NFTs and provides the infrastructure for small-scale artists to showcase their work.

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Hermes is working on improving the Terra communications layer through its notifications and alerts developments.

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<DAO Management>
Packs is a decentralized autonomous organization platform that simplifies digital asset management and decision-making for web3 teams.

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<DAO Management>
Apollo Safe streamlines the creation of multisig wallets on Terra through its user-friendly interface, empowering projects and decentralized organizations.

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<DAO Management>
Enterprise simplifies the process of creating governance hubs & decentralized autonomous organizations, enabling projects to fully leverage their capabilities on Terra.

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Station is the main Terra wallet, now offering an interchain experience across the Cosmos - with Alliance & Feather in the works.

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Obi is building a seamless user experience by combining the familiarity of Web2 patterns with the cutting-edge technology of Web3, to help ease the onboarding process, especially for newcomers.

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Leap is constructing the ultimate super wallet for the entire Cosmos ecosystem, including Terra.

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For more information on Alliance & Feather, readers can head over to this thread:

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Any information stated above is subject to protocol changes and as such, readers should still practice their due diligence.

Terra Ecosystem list:…

In the case of omitted protocols or changes in details, please DM & notify us!

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