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Feb 2, 2023, 11 tweets


Spy Classroom Episode 5

It appears that providing bonding moments and training attempts makes for a much amusing experience than speed running through books. Most of it consisting of anime original content that honestly gives personality and space to our cast.

Fundamental elements that tie this episode together are concepts of family which Klaus is trying to compehend after loss of Inferno and Lamplight becoming better as a team while trying to make him surrender. It is something that audience should have at least seen before mission.

It may feel weird considering that we already know that they end up forming quite a well organized team but having to witness beginning after all that is still nice to get some sort of explanation and path laid out even if effects won't be the same. I still think those are needed

It is pretty obvious that you can't have spotlight on every girl so some must take a hit but this episode pretty much gave a fair amount of time to each of them while giving viewers a look at their personality, chemistry with other members and just how fun they are like Thea.

I bursted out laughing when the plan for seducing Klaus consisted of having Lily in reavealing outfit and then list every possible cliche that just fell apart. The funniest thing is how she had it everything written on her wrist. Sora Amamiya's must have a lot of fun, no doubt.

There won't be an episode where I would't mention just how great of a job seiyuus are doing and I really love that because of anime it is asier to imagine voices while reading which makes it so much fun. Poor Erna getting caught in traps but great performance by Minase Inori.

Sara is adorable. Okay, I'm getting off topic here but yeah as it stands the girls knew quite early that the manor is bugged and anime reaffirms that. Sure it may not mean much at this point but still nice that it was acknowledge again. Need more Sara content.

During the Klaus Dinner Mission they referred to one another by Codenames and it was nice to see them work together and even if we knew the outcome there was something amusing to that. Small steps getting them to gather experience for next time. Many also hide their talents.

This episode also nicely showcased who has better understanding of which girl and what team they could end up making which not only helped girls find how best suit their abilities but also, as pointed later they are growing closer like a family, they end up warming this place.

It was good to see the origin how it all came to be but on the other hand it once again brought the family concept on the table even if Klaus is unwilling to do that yet. Suddenly an episode where they partied feels much better with added background, that's how I feel.

This is the pacing that I wish Spy Room to have and while the troubles of past won't be erased I think there are still good things to come for this show. Sure some may prefer seeing action or spy activities but what do they mean if neither of us have any investment in the cast?

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