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Feb 2, 2023, 11 tweets

PART 1️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone is one of the Deep State's Medical Top Brass along with Fauci

Ukraine Bioweapons, Vaccines and Genetics

Resume includes: NewLink, WHO DOD, FDA, HHS, DARPA, BARDA, GatesFoudation


PART 2️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone is one of the Deep State's Medical Top Brass along with Fauci

Ukraine Bioweapons, Vaccines and Genetics

#NewLink manage the Ebola project: vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense"


PART 3️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Ukraine Bioweapons Labs.

August 2014, Department of Defense/Defense Threat Reduction Agency asked Dr. Malone to step in and help NewLink manage the Ebola project: vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense"


PART 4️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Ukraine Bioweapons Labs.

August 2014, Department of Defense/Defense Threat Reduction Agency asked Dr. Malone to step in and help NewLink manage the Ebola project: vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense"

PART 5️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics

Dr. Malone serves as Editor-in-Chief Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (JIBTV); on retainer to Beardsworth, serving as their Medical Director, Vaccines on retainer to Chesapeake Perl.…

PART 6️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics BARDA and DTRA contracts

WHO with Pentagon expedite the initial WRAIR clinical trials, recruited the government of Norway to help fund clinical research, used social media to recruit Merck Vaccines…

PART 7️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics


His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist and is known as one of the original inventors of “DNA Vaccination.…

PART 8️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics

$10 billion (that we know) grants "bio-defense"

#AthericPharmaceutical Atheric™ is focused on the rapid development and commercialization of re-purposed drugs to prevent and treat Zika disease,…

PART 9️⃣ #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics #paulmuaddib61

His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is in the Harvard Medical School Global Clinical Scholars Program in 2015-2016.…

PART 🔟 #TheRealDrRobertMalone Vaccines and Genetics #paulmuaddib61

His FDA, HHS, and DoD agency knowledge is extensive. Dr. Malone is in the Harvard Medical School Global Clinical Scholars Program in 2015-2016.

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