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Feb 3, 2023, 35 tweets

Here’s a thread clearing up the misinformation being spread about the Percy Hynes White allegations.

TW: SA, r*pe, abuse, bullying, etc…

I’m assuming that the victims are telling the truth. However, l also believe their words have been taken out of context.


Percy is NOT being accused of r*pe. The girls who have came forward about Percy are Aries, Desirée, Karis, and Kayla. Of the 4, 3 of them have said they were victims of him via sexual assault, enabling r*pe, and verbal abuse. None of them have said that Percy r*ped them.

Percy was also underaged when he first had sex with an underaged girl and having sex at 14 with someone 3 years older than you is LEGAL in Canada. The girl (14-17) was legally allowed to consent to having sex with Percy (17-20) at every point during that timeframe.

Percy did NOT admit his guilt for sexual assault and abuse as implied in the original tweets by Aries and Kayla. He actually apologized to Karis for playing with her feelings by making her think they were together when they weren’t (i.e. leading her on).…

Percy did NOT bully and send his after Karis in these screenshots as claimed by Aries and Kayla. Karis initially refers to him as “skeletor” and “pussy boy” and specifically told him to tag her in his story. Percy did as she requested while also mocking her own insults for him.

No one reported Percy to the police. Aries mentions someone else going to the police in HS. However, b/c she’s the only one who’s accusing Percy of SA’ing her and if she herself did not go to the police, then no one went to the police about Percy Hynes White himself.

Percy is NOT a white supremacist nor fan of n*zi ideologies as falsely reported by PopFaction & Aries. @ DIEAMERICAN is Black Artists Liberation Movement critiquing America’s traumatic ideologies in mainstream media. The article for it can be found here:……

As of right now, there’s NO proof of Percy committing any crimes. Aries said multiple times that she does NOT have photo/video evidence of her claims despite her later contradictory statement that she did & her previous condemnation towards making such serious claims w/o proof.

Percy did NOT r*pe Aries. Despite her alluding to Percy being her r*pist on 9 seperate occasions, Aries later clarifies and says that Percy sa’d her at a party and rejects the notion that he ever r*ped her which does contradict portions of her initial claims that he was a r*pist.

Percy did NOT r*pe or abuse Desirée. Desirée says she is a victim of Percy solely because he did not help her after she was r*ped in Percy’s basement by Raphael and abused by Brycen Davidson (who were both friends of his at the time), therefore enabling it to continue.

Desirée, one of #PercyHynesWhite victims, is accused by 5 different Toronto locals of defending, supporting, protecting, enabling, and housing a well known abuser, Brycen Davidson, as well as fighting 1 of his victims and accusing others of lying even after seeing him abuse them.

Kayla is NOT a victim of #PercyHynesWhite. Aries intially calls her a victim to which Kayla later contradicts by clarifying that she’s not one. She even admits to protecting a well known abuser in an attempt to defend her friend Desirée who was called out for also supporting him.

Percy did NOT r*pe or SA Karis. She only refers to him as her abuser and hasn’t elaborated further. All we know as of rn is that #PercyHynesWhite used to date her close friend Lena in 2018 (still on good terms) and has apologized to Karis for making her think they were together.…

Aries says that she & her friends didn’t know #PercyHynesWhite was on TV until Wednesday. However, this is contradicted when Karis posted a story of Percy around 3/25/2021 in Pretty Hard Cases (a show based in their own hometown) and her friend Kayla knew Percy was in The Gifted.…

Aries even contradicts herself later by saying how everyone knew #PercyHynesWhite was working on acting projects outside of Toronto despite repeatedly saying she didn’t know he was in any projects, or that he was a “real actor or in any industry”, or that he had a “real career”.

Aries says she’s been telling fans about #PercyHynesWhite since Wednesday released. However, she tweets 3x about the show days after w/ no mention of him. Her first and only tweets about Percy come 16 days after the show was released and 39 days before the allegations came out.

Aries tells @ ellieandjoel that #PercyHynesWhite gets w/ girls while they’re blackout which she hasn’t mentioned since. 40 days later, @ ellieandjoel ignites the start of the allegations by calling Percy a “r*pist” despite there being NO girls who’s accused Percy of r*ping them.

Aries repeatedly says she & her friends didn’t come out about #PercyHynesWhite before Wednesday because he wasn’t famous. Yet a Toronto local calls out Desirée’s abuser w/ only 1K followers in 2021, showing an example of how to call out a dangerous individual regardless of fame.

Aries says that another reason she didn’t initially come out about #PercyHynesWhite was b/c she didn’t want to fight “a case against someone very powerful and rich”. Yet she also says the SA happened in 2017, when Percy was 15/16 and long before he was “very” powerful and rich.

It’s “Always Believe The Victim” until Desirèe and Kay both protect a well known abuser who Karis was still following until being called out. Aries literally accuses a victim of lying b/c they didn’t have proof but expects us to believe her w/ no evidence. #PercyHynesWhite…

pretty weird tweet by Aries given the seriousness of the situation and accusations. #PercyHynesWhite

there’s an article of Percy’s n*des getting leaked that released on June 26th of 2019, making him 17 years old at the time. here’s how his hair looked then. this means that Aries shared n*des of a minor on the internet which classifies as child pornography. #PercyHynesWhite

“Why isn’t #PercyHynesWhite defending himself if he’s so innocent?” It’s best to stay quiet b/c EVERYTHING you say WILL be used against you. Deuxmoi, a blog acc w/ 1.7 M followers, advises against posting on social media in the manner they did b/c it’ll hinder their case in court

Aries denies having spread child p*rnography but also admits that she posted #PercyHynesWhite n*des to the internet which constitutes as “revenge p*rn”, a criminal offence in Canada. This is in additionon to her maliciously posting explicit content of a minor w/o Percy’s consent.

the gc Aries’s referring to said #PercyHynesWhite NEVER sent them n*des. Aries got em from an acc which isn’t proof of him sending em. 2 years ago, around 1/21, his hair was much longer. before that, his hair was dyed blonde. this means the n*des are around 3.5 years old, NOT 2.

there’s a video of #PercyHynesWhite using a slur, however there’s evidence to show that he’s quoting a line from American TV series “Them”, based in Los Angeles in 1953, that he was casted in to play a racist character in but later cut from:……

but if you still weren’t sure of him being racist, #PercyHynesWhite has publicly supported the Black Lives Matter movement during protests in 2020. he has close black friends who all know him personally & knows he’s not racist, hence why they’re still friends til this very day.

the “slur video” of #PercyHynesWhite was taken in an actor trailer on the set of “Them” where he plays a racist character (his talking parts later being cut from the episodes). here’s him in the show wearing the SAME exact shirt that he had on in the video.…

the last picture shows #PercyHynesWhite in an actor trailer where the “slur video” was also shot, meaning that he was on set and quoting a line from the tv series, hence why he said “you stay tf out of my neighborhood” ... bc he’s playing a racist in an all-white neighborhood

#PercyHynesWhite is NOT a p*dophile. Aries said that he “likes 14-16 yr olds” but fails to mention that he was 15/16 at the time (5 months older than her). and the 3 yr age gap between him & the girl is legal AND normal. Percy ex GFs, Katie & Molly are also 3 yrs older than him.

“He should be in jail. #ArrestPercy!” Ok, tell the victims to press charges then. Aries still hasn’t gone to law enforcement about #PercyHynesWhite b/c she’s “waiting for him to make that move.” So if he does nothing, then she’ll do nothing, & the police will never get involved.

Aries says that #PercyHynesWhite was living in Toronto when he was 14-19... However, Percy has done several projects that required him to not only live in the United States for several months on end when he was 14-18, but also receive a high school education in California.

Aries said #PercyHynesWhite SA’d her at a party in 2017 (when he was 15/16) and vaguely names 3 seasons of when it could’ve happened (possibly from August to December). In 2017, Percy was in Dallas, Texas & Atlanta, Georgia filming for “The Gifted” and appearing at promo events.

Aries releases questionable tweets, one of which making fun of Angie b/c Aries’s alleged assaulter, #PercyHynesWhite, didn’t flirt with her like he did with Aries. She also dm’s Angie with doxxing & death threats but later comes back to clarify that it wasn’t her intentions to.

Aries says she doesn’t condone telling #PercyHynesWhite to commit su*cide but has quote tweeted a promo pic of him & Jenna saying “i need him gone from the world.” she has also liked a tweet from a user saying that they “hope Percy k*lls himself” so they can “profile his death.”…

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