Альона Шевченко (🇺🇦,🇺🇦) Profile picture
I write and translate about Ukrainian culture, media literacy and tech. Learning about cybersecurity 🔱 @Ukraine_DAO (🇺🇦,🇺🇦) @KyivTech

Feb 3, 2023, 6 tweets

1/ Why Ukrainians Are Very Sceptical of The #FreeNavalny Campaign - 🧵

Excellent post by @ukrainer_en & @uaexplainers that I found on Instagram: instagram.com/p/CoMYZKCN2nK

2/ The only force that de-facto fights putin’s regime and has a chance of defeating it is the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

3/ The #FreeNavalny campaign is based on the vague idea that freeing Navalny would somehow make russia democrati.

4/ They do exploit the anti-war sentiment to whitewash Navalny’s reputation and insert themselves into the international effort to support Ukraine.

5/ Every dollar donated to #FreeNavalny is a dollar that could be applied much more effectively if donated to Ukraine’s resistance.

6/ The Ukrainians are telling the uncomfortable truth: the best way to free Navalny is to donate to Ukraine’s military resistance.

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