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Feb 3, 2023, 15 tweets


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▪️Title: #PrisonerOfConscienceBadshahKhan
▪️Genre: Biography
▪️Published: 2021
▪️Author: @PervaizEx
▪️Description: Incredibly complex & contradictory life story of Frontier Gandhi Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan also known as Baacha or Badshah Khan.


First impression: Book lacks fluency, it is not skillfully articulated. It contains long sentences, at times, over 10-12 lines. It makes the read bit dry.

Anyways let’s try focus on meat


Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, popularly known as Badshah Khan and Bacha Khan, was his own counselor and guide. He stood among the learned and the great of his times by his own exertion; he moved not with the tide, but against it.

During eighty years of public service in sunshine and storm, he never swerved an inch from his principles. No wonder that in their moral blindness men called him a fanatic and a madman - for standing up against such overwhelming odds is surely nothing but madness.

The Pakhtoons, as a nation, have given the world many scholars, statesmen, poets, philosophers, discoverers, and inventors; but no son of the soil has won for them a more enduring honour and fame than Badshah Khan did.

First ten pages of the book contain pictures of the room, it’s roof, door and entrance , street and school where Badshah Khan was born and schooled.

Badshah Khan possessed good physique & mind.
He was offered a commission in British Indian Army; a job British colonialist used to offer to sons of influential Pathans & Sikhs in order to make them obligated to their rule in subcontinent & thus safeguard their vested interests.

In February 1949, Wali Khan was shifted from Haripur jail to Mach jail in Balochistan and in May 1951 to Quetta jail and in 1952 to Dera Ismail Khan Jail. He was brought back to Haripur jail in March 1952 from where he was set free on Oct 14, 1953.

He remained in jail for five years and five months, was in the forefront in the struggle for abolition of One Unit, he became president of NAP in June 1968 and on Nov 13 that year he was put behind bars in the Montgomery jail. Later he was shifted to +

Gujrat jail & set free in March 1969, later to be arrested On Feb 8, 1975 and charged in Hyderabad conspiracy case for allegedly hatching a plot with the aim of disintegrating Pakistan.

Tragic story of son of Bacha Khan

To speak of the personality of Badshah Khan is not easy. He was as Aijaz Ahmad, the Marxist philosopher, literary theorist and political commentator described him:

"A man of very large silences and ...a nationalist leader about whom relatively little is known……..."

Poorly structured, too much verbosity and incoherences

Read this :

Another supreme quality, which distinguished him from all others, was the firmness of his resolve, cool and careful were the deliberation a, and once he took a decision he adhered to it with such tenacity… 🤷‍♂️

If an angel were to descend from the high heavens and declaim from heights of the Qutub Minar, 'Discard Hindu-Muslim unity and within 24 hours swaraj is yours.' I will refuse the preferred swaraj, but will not budge an inch from my stand. Refusal of swaraj will affect only India.

What is the guarantee that they will not rebel against us once they are educated?

A senior British officer once asked Baacha Khan that why he was opening schools in the Frontier. Above was his question.

PS: Don’t you feel still education is denied to masses by current rulers?

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