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The most loyal Domestique in the world of cycling. 📸 Jered Gruber

Feb 4, 2023, 8 tweets

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina🧵

#VCV2023 traditionally ends with a short flat stage from Paterna to Valencia but this year it contains a 2nd cat climb (Oronet) and a 1th cat climb (La Frontera). Only 94,5 km and 1199 altitude meters. Are we going to see some fireworks?⬇️

@Eritropoetina #DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

The first climb to Oronet is exactly the same as the first climb on Friday. Oronet is an easy climb but a good one for those who want to go into the break. Summit at 67 km from the finish.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

The final climb (La Frontera) has the same summit as El Garbi in stage 3.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

The numbers of La Frontera: 5km at 9.0%. It’s the hardest climb of the whole Volta a Valenciana and the last chance to put the hammer down.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

Problem for attackers is that the climb crests with 44km to go and the road to Valencia is open and fairly straightforward with a headwind of 2 beaufort. We have one bonus sprint, 10km from the finish line.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

Two big roundabouts in the final km and a finish on a big avenue with a last straight line of 300m.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

With 14 riders within a minute we’ll definitely see some attacks and tactical games. Controlling this stage won’t be easy for Trek. Ciccone should beware of the bonuses too. 3-2-1 with 9.2km to go, 10-6-4 at the finish line.

#DomestiquePreview by @Eritropoetina

A break without any GC danger has a chance to fight for the win but in a short stage like this you need some luck and the right names in the break. When teams like Movistar and Bahrain smells a chance for a sprint, they will chase anyway.

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