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🇪🇸 /🇬🇧/🇯🇵 Translator and English teacher, sometimes a weaboo as well. Im trying to improve my drawing each day! 英語 の先生そして トランスレーター でもまだ日本語を勉強✍ STAY🏠HOME

Feb 5, 2023, 157 tweets

Well, I 'll continue translating anf summarizing lostbelt 7 from chapter 14 onwards


So, we discuss the events at the 3rd underworld line to Gordolf and our new alliance with Kuku, then we discuss his abilities as director for chaldea.
We will keep an eye on Kuku

We are gonna set a camp and ask Nito to lookout for danger on the forest, so she uses ghosts to scare Dinos, yet this doesnt work in the sea of tree as the non-intelligent Dinos detect us and we must fight. We will put to test our ability to summon, and it works!

However it seems we are only summoners as we cant use our command spellz to strengthen still. We discuss the pissibility of Camazotz being the one we made the deal with at the beginning of the chapter, but we reassure the rest it wasnt him, yet we cant remember where and with who

We made the deal with. We might not be able to use our CS in Mictlan forever, but kuku suggest we might if we kill the other party. Then we discuss the lower layers, 8th and 9th and how Camazotz lair is there and its full of toxic gas. No living being can go inside

Now this is going to be LONG! So be prepare

We arrive at the observatory of the 7th layer, a biosphere where Maya has no jurisdiction.
We seek for the Archtype Earth of the lostbelt and discuss it. It should be different, as this lb is a different earth from ours

We talked about the origins of these Types. From the sea of stars they are those that can only exist from them, they are like the brain of a star. Then we have these areas, the observatory or Avalon, both places born from the sea of stars too, they are like hearts from stars

Then we proceed to explain what these places fromthe sea of stars are. They are like reality marbles from the planet. Thats how Avalon is still in the earth and "not physically on the earth"
Divine spirits and fairies can be born from these places

Moreover, these archetypes are spirits that have the function of recorders of the history of the star.
Then we head to the observatory to see Tepeu's acquaintence (remember he used to work here)

We finally see Archetype: Earth.
She's called Ixkik (or Ixquic in spanish, ill go with this)
She can see everything up to layer 2 but cant hear unlike kuku and so we introduce herself. She also calls Tepeu her "big bro" as she's eternally one year old

Ixquic says daybit came to her for the truth and history of the lb and she told her, she knew about this star being a lostbelt but doesnt consider the crypter or us as invaders.
And so we ask whats the deal with this LB so I'll leave a summarize/timeline

Unlike PHH the BIG 5 are different extinction events and are with delay or soon/later.

This timeline diverged from PHH on the 3rd catastrophe.
The meteor that fell had the Maya system in it (our 5th phh disaster) and it used it powers to avoid the separation of the continents...

Maya also took over the control of the planet and help life continue, without contienents separating, the earth became a dinosaur paradise.

This is a timeline where the meteor with the alien virus falling timing, is off

But then the 4th extinctiom event happened. ORT fell and drove humanity to extinction, but Maya saved them by using all the energy of the surface of the planet into creating an underground shelter, Mictlan.
And so Mictlan unified and defeated ORT

But the surface of the planet wont recover, as all its energy went to Mictlan. They drove the defeated ORT to the bottom into a sea of magma

We guess that the future tezca showed us, might be the 5th extinctiom event

But in the battle a civilization, race was annihilated. The humans of the lostbelt, from the Kingdom of Khan, they even created a spaceship and made themselves strong enough and immortal to fence off ORT
They were key in the battle

Those humans, were the undead we fought when fighting camazotz.
We ask if there was a survivor. And there was only 1
The brave king Camazotz, who turned mad and modified his body, a man who searches for a no longer existing khan...

Ill continue tomorrow

Lets continue!

We take down the non-intelligent dinos surrounding the dome while Oxquic prepares the ritual to show us all of daybit's actions. Nito stayed with her since she wanted to ask sth and Tepeu is helping Ixquic.
We talk a bit about tepeu and ixquic's relationship

Kuku talks about it. Ixquic looks like a dino but shes a completely different life form. Mash wonders if they are more than "brothers" but kuku explains Ixquic cant be bound to anyone, her purpose is to monitor Mictlan until its end, never to be free.

But tepeu wanted to free her, the moment he learnt she cant be, he elft to the first layer. Never allowing himself to be a happy dino as punishment for not being able to save Ixquic

Then we talk about Kuku
It seems she just recently took humanoid form

Before this, she was just the wind that dinos felt, she was just "The teachings of the sun" but when the concept of gods got introduced by Daybit, she took this shape. Shes an imitation of PHH kukulcan

Mictlan is really baby
Their archetype earth is eternally 1 y/o

Their god just took form 1 year ago
And their kid is a brat, a yound tezca kuku took and made him play the role
(Sadly she doesnt explain further on young tezca booo!)

Then Mash wonders, it seems Kukulcan is not the god of dinos

She's born from the creator of Mictlan, the Maya system.
She's Archetype: Mictlan
She confirms this and calls Ixquic their Archetype:Meta-Earth. Thats why both get along so well

(No wonder she's so OP, she's an ultimate one too)

Then we hear the conversation between nito and ixquic. Nito wants to know how to become a guardian of the underworld, how camazotz turn heroic spirits into these guardians

The arrow ends

So, Ixquic starts the ritual and we synchronize with Mictlan, to see what was Daybit up to.
We statt with his visit to Ixquic, he calls the Maya system as atonishing from what it did to our dinosaurs in PHH

At the 4th layer he finds Camazotz, he wont let anyone reach the 9th floor, and so he fights Daybit, but he uses a command spells for something (not shown or explained huuummm!!) And it seems he was able to fight him off, Camszotz says daybit's blood tastes terrible

Camazotz can still fight but he will let daybit continue as long as he answer him. Camazotz wants to know about our mythology, and if he existed in PHH too

He arrives at the 9th floor, and yes
ORT died, or rather, it doesnt have fuel anymore. But if its wound is closed with large amounts of high-quality magic circuits, it will resume its activities.
Then he mentions sth that sounds like a prophecy...
At the end of a year...

Cosmic rays will radiate from the bottom layer anf the season of the underworld will begin.
Then he says that even tho he doesnt count as human, he will summon using Mictlan as a catalyst

Then we see young tezca, the blue tezcs talking, he mentions to the other person that he will take another side (dinos) to wave war, and it seems he was talking to the black tezca

Then daybit and black tezca talk. Daybit is sorry for not being able to chain summon Quetz so the war can be better, then tezca mentions that the river in Mexico city connects to the bottom layer, so the blood of dinos will be good fuel for ORT

Then tezca asks if its ok what daybit's doing, what about the other crypters. Daybit doesnt care he will just do his purpose. Then he asks tezca if he is ok with his actions, he agrees and calls daybit a semitic man

We discuss what we saw. It seems Daybit travelled all the way to xibalba on his first time in the lb, and now that ORT has fuel, his second trip to xibalba will be to actovate ORT. We must stop him, but Ixquic doesnt know when the toxic gas from those floor dissappear

Maybe we can convince the Dinos and go to mexico and capture Daybit. But Ixquic says that is weird we are putting so much effort to avoid the death of the planet. Its the planet's life, not ours.
She says its selfish to fight for the world just because WE dont want to die

All life is equal, and so death comes equally as well. And even if Daybit doesnt wake up ORT, the end of Mictlan will come. After 10 more trips of the sun, it will explode and they will go extinct.
Mictlan is a doomed world and all Dinos know this
The chapter ends

We see the meeting of Izcalli and Vukub. They talk about kuku and the dino king not being trustworthy. They will raid chichen and destroy it. Vuku offers the ship but izcalli will destroy it alongside tlaloc. There's no need for chichen, a relic of the Khan kingdom

Then at tepeu's house we see a talk about the plan of fusing with ORT after it climbs. The only enemies of the AG are camazotz, kuku and ORT. Then she senses ocelotl going to tbe 3rd layer, but rasputin says this is not their battle

Then they talk about tepeu and how he is the bearer of the mystic eyes of death perception (the ones shiki had)
It seems the president wants to go to chichen, but rasputin mentions how this is not the plan. And the intermission ends

Going around the 5th layer mash says that maybe olga already returned to chichen but we dont believe so. Then kadoc talks to us, chichen is under attack and we need to return to help protect the ship. It seems ocelotl raid the city without troubles at the plains

We see the massacre. But it takes around 30 ocelotl to take dinos, Izcalli is the commander and is ready to kill woman and children too. Tezca is here as well

The war continues and a kid isabout to be killed, but our favorite NFF bunny comes and saves the day. The kid runs to safety and koyan talks about how Dinos dont feel anger towards all this, if they wanted Ocelotl wouldnt be a threat. She can take 40% of the army alone but...

The black tezca appears, saying that a merchant of death like him and koyan shouldnt be helping like she is doing. An unnecessary beast in this battlefield only needs to get skinned and be put on a table

We see wakchan who talks to himself while killing Ocelotl. He always was scared of them, even know he is the strongest dino, and he talks about how he can no longer hear Maya's voice
He talks about fears and how he doesnt like battle. He decides to go to the shrine to help and...

Olga saves some babies, tsundere style saying she doesnt like the colors of screams and flies off. Wakchan's doubts dissappear as he sees Olga flying away in the distance and yells

"My wife is so COOL!!!"

We fight off some Ocelotl squads, habenyan even says there is no need for us to go full power and that kuku went to the ship.
But then everything turns gray...

"Mash take cover!"

Koyan flies off to a wall covered in blood and then falls into the ground without a sound.
Tezca comes and asks what are we doing here instead that near the ship.
Finds dumb of us trying to save lives.

"Those who cherish life need to offer their lives, because thats my world"

Man I really wanna continue cause, this cliffhanger. But I will have to continue tomorrow 😟

At the ship, a whip of thunder keeps striking it. Tlaloc is attackimg them, but they have a plan. Sion and professor are preparing an anti-divine torpedo charhed with Quetzalcoatl's authority, since in legend quetz once killed Tlaloc, but we need bait to take her down

It seems Davinci and Nito are here to help the ship's crew. So Kadoc, nito, nemo and davinci will try to lure Tlaloc to the torpedo range. Gordolf and muniere will be in charge of shooting it

Nito tries convincing Tlaloc to join them, a divine spirit from PHH shouldnt be enemy lf Chaldea, Tlaloc says its all pretty words comming from a murderous queen, as she knows nito's legend due to tlaloc asking daybit about it

Tlaloc says its natural for a god to shed blood for her people. She gets pissed and its time to battle
After it, she wonders what is our plan, nothing change, she was waiting for us to be stronger, but then kadoc gives the signal and the torpedo hits Tlaloc. The rain stops

But this doesnt even affect her, it just made her stronger. The marine says its like a lot of saint graphs are overlapt. Then nito catches up and days tlaloc is no divine spirit. No god will shed blood for humans. And suddenly.
A shadow comes and takes Tlaloc into the sky

Camazotz takes tlaloc and smashes her into the ground as pieces of her fly all over. Yet it seems we dont know is she truly died. Nito asks him why he saved us, he denies that and says the last underworld layer will be open soon and welcomes us to itm and flies off

At chichen we talk about tezca
Mash mentions that tezca is a god of 4 directions (yoltl and tezca's myth in aztec) and how
The first tezca to be born is the red one⇛God of death and rebirth
The second tezca is the black one ⇛God of battles and the night

We wonder which one is he now. Tezca says to call him whathever we want except the white tezca, since that's quetz. Then we talk about how kuku disappeared. Tezca explains that she's just a mechanism design to watch over Mictlan. She wont interfere in the fight of the two tribes

The only reason she has helped us, its cause we were outsiders. So she will just watch the massacre unfold. We fight tezca and the president appears to save us!
She's playing dumb but tezca says that she should've remember everything after seeing his face at Mexico city

He is pissed off, he doesnt understand why she is helping us even tho we are her enemies. He also tells her that we knew from the beginning and were lying to her.
She asks us if its true and we cant answer her
So she flies off inmediately

Then it becomes night. Tezca says that the orbit of the sun changed as Izcalli killed the sun's master. With this the flower war is over and only ORT awakening remains.
He wonders who will arrive first, us or daybit. And vanishes
We worry if we made a terrible choice (about U)

At the altar Izcalli asks the brat where is the Dino king, since black tezca ordered him to kill the dino king. The brat laughs and introduces himself as blue tezca the dino king. All Ocelotl postrate to him and Izcalli cant believe it.
Blue tez says that he could say...

Izcalli's true name, the one only black tezca and Izcalli knows. Izcalli cant believe it.
Blue tez explains that giving a chance to PHH, the LB, Ocelotl and Dinos and let them kill each other equally is what the true nature of the god Tezcatlipoca

Blue tez says he knows everything. How in PHH in aztec myth they chose a young man, and for 1 year they gave him everything, even more that any king or noble could get, to turn him into a vessel of tezca. And how black tezca is doing the same.

Izcalli says its true. And that once he finishes black tezca command of killing the dino king. He will become tezca too.
But blue tez brings tlaloc into question. "Trust the words of the God u believe in"
But tlaloc and black tezca are saying different things

Kill the dinos king...
Dont kill god...

This inconsistent order of black tezca is a test for izcalli to see if he can truly be a vessel.
Can Izcalli kill god or tbe world for his own goals?

Izcalli tries to find an excuse to avoid this and asks blue tez.
If he is the tezca of PHH then he will kill blue tez
If he is the LB tez, the he will spare blue tez
But he says that if he sided with Chaldea, he obvioisly must be PHH's tez

Blue tez says Izcalli is an idiot. He is the version of the lostbelt. The PHH tezca is the one at his side. Izcalli loses his marbles and shots him to death.

We see the lb investigation log of davinci. Only 16 ocelotl left alive and only 62 dinos are alive. It took more than 30 ocelotl to kill 1 dinos. Then we discover that Ocelotl were actually apes. The newest and weakest lifeform of Mictlan without maya's blessing

Vukub helped the ocelotl to arrive just to prove everyone that neither the Dino king or the Teachings of the sun would save the dinos. So he is imprisoned, but the Dinos donr hate him at all. They talked about apes and how they cant understand their desire for survival

At the distance kuku is in synch with Maya. Protecting the fantasy tree is top priority, no one will be allowed to the 9th layer. New command from Maya, to kill all guests from PHH

And Kuku will do it, no sweat

And with this the chaoter finally finishes!
Damn that was long and good

I'll continue tomorrow

Meeting at the boarder. We recall everything that has happened. We try to convince gordolf that U-Olga is our Olga, but even so she's a monster with energy levels higher that what the sun creates in a second. We cant trust the alien god

We agree to also consider kuku an enemy, as tezca said, shell eventually be our enemy.Maya's consensus about us could change as we are going to chop the fantasy tree.But davinci wonders if she truly is following maya, she takes action according to its oolicy and outside of it too

We have a 2 hr break, we see wakchan and tells us to go to the sanctuary since mash is looking for tepeu and the dino brothers. Tepeu is at his house so we will go to the sanctuary. Kadoc tries to stop us but we go.

Kadoc knows theres a funeral at the sanctuary...

Then wakchan wants to ask kadoc what is olga and whats our relation with her. Kadoc agrees to tell the truth about it

At the sanctuary all remaining dinos of chichen at here. Mash cries and wonders how cant they lament if they know about their extinction. They say that since they dont have a history, they dont need to lament. Then it is explaimed that they all share the same brain structure...

Is not that tepeu is a genius. That concept doesnt exist for dinos. Is just that he sees things differently.
Then they talk about how hard it must be for us to remember the sad moments at wach lb and having to do all this 6 other times

Theyre gonna leave chichen as the sun is no longer there. Asks us not to worry about them as theyve accepted their extinction.
They dont lament, hate but cherish their short happy moments
They truly are perfect, yet mash cant stop feeling sad

They leave as "someone" watches us

Time for reports. Reparations to theship are mostly done but it cant move or fight yet. In 20 hrs itll be ready
In 10 hrs the gas from the 8th and 9th floors will disappear.
(Btw i forgot to mention koyan didnt died she just received treatment after we rescue her from tez)

We have to plans with 50/50 success rate
A- take down and capture daybit before he arrives to the bottom
B- destroy the fantasy tree so the LB disappears alongside ORT

Kadoc says we can do both plans. Him, koyan and the boarder will do A and we will do B

At Mexico we see Izcalli,it seems thefamilies of the warriors are waiting for their returns. Family love and bonds, izcalli compares ocelotl to humans.
He doesnt have either since he was created from Mictlan's soil by tezca

He reunites with tezca, even tho izcalli passed the test his heart is clouded, he doesnt understand why. He asks if he is going to the bottom layer, and tezca says its time to go see ORT's coffin

Then we see this too. Olga has decided that ORT is hers and will fuse with it, she will go to the bottom too and rasputin will keep an eye on Chaldea

We ask tepeu if he wants to keep being with us, he agrees and says he cant wait for the adventure as he hasnt gone pass the 7th layer, but asks us a favor and the camera vanishes

At chichen we encounter kuku who says he should leave with the boarder, shes Mictlan's arbitrer, she needs to know who will prosper Ocelotl or dinos and the crypter who wants to wake ORT and us who want to cut the fantasy tree need to be eliminated

We say we wont leave and she says that she will wait for us at Calakmul, 「"his" land is the land of your end」
She flies off and the chapter finishes

I will continue at night!

We, mash and nito are riding on Wakchan, and Davinci on tepeu. We talk about how Kuku is now our enemy and guess Olga is goimg to ORT too. We talk about how the teachings of the sun are like a mother who watches over rather than a father who controls its child

Then we see Eresh and Kadoc talk. She cant help much with Daybit has he had already conquered this layer but she will help kadoc prepare an ambush. And so kadoc returns to gordolf and koyan at the boarder

And finally, what we've been waiting for.
Daybit backstory crumbs.
Kadoc starts by explaining what he found at the ship with Sion's help.
He starts by explaining to Koyan the 3 mage associations
The atlas academy
The wandering sea
The clock tower

Daybit dropout from the Clock Tower and joined Chaldea. But before that he was in a specific department.
There are 13 departments im the clock tower and a lord for each:

General fundaments
Individual fundaments
Spiritual Evocation
Ore study
Lore department

Modern theory

For instance, marisbury was the lord of the astromancy department and kiri was the genius from here too.
But Daybit was the genius from the Lore department

Koyan ask what is the focus of the Lore department

There, they study angels & demons. Or rather, they seclude things that aren't from earth. Extraterrestrial threats. Daybit arrived at 10 and there were records of his 8 years there as a student until he left. But they couldnt find anything of him before that.

But kadoc looked into the department files and found an interesting one

File name:
「Record: 5min」
Im it its state an incident of London that affected every single mage. Magic was affected and many ceremonies failed. It involved a lecturer who made a 0.2 sec exposure

In a prep room. An exposure of the "Angel's relic" the owner of the prep room is nowhere to be found and this short exposure caused the incident. There was only 1 survivor, the son of the lecturer
Kadoc think thats daybit, a man who might have gone crazy due to his fsthers death

But the conversation is over, they arrive to their destination and its time to set traps.

I will continue tomorrow!

Now in the dessert layer, in a car these three talk. Questioning why is there a sandstorm, tezca says might be Camazotz as he sell the command spells to him, but never thought he will go "im gomna be a master too!"
He says that in this LB camazotz is the strongest aztec

Just as tezca is the strongest aztec on PHH. Then they talk about where is Tlaloc, it seems she cant be found.
Tez says her role was just to manifest the city of mexico for izcalli and the ocelotl with those 2 shrines, so shes no longer needed

But they are struck by a mine, daybit swiftly evades the explosions as tezca wonderd if he tookthose drivingskills from hollywood
And someone appears before them...

"Welcome to my Takama-ga-hara. I welcome you, god of war"
It seems koyantook magic energy from kadoc, gordolf and the boarder so ascend her graph into a divine spirit.
Daybit even calls her a goddess of guns. She has all weapons at the tip of her fingers.

Tezca says he cant see any way to win, but Daybit says he should take Izcalli and run towards Xibalba.
He then talks about how koyan switch sides to Chaldea and that she shouldnt use the words "for humanity's sake"
Something stars surrounding him and the scene cuts

At the boarder they see the situation, they dont believe daybit could beat a divine spirit koyan they prepare to chase after tezca but gordolf see that the numbers at the energy measurement are goimg strange. and then suddenly, a huge explosion. The arrow ends

We arrived at the last underworld layer. Tepeu asks if its similar to PHH but it is not. Its said that there was a jaguar as big as a mountaint that ate u if ur heart lead u to the wrong way. It is said that the jaguar, the heart of the mountain is a variant of tezca too

The road is stretch if we fall we could die just like in the myth. However habrnyan can float for 2 seconds, so if anyone falls she can help climb up. And so everyone gets behind her. Its time to move!
We also need to wear a "raincoat" fromspace suit mats to guard ourselves from

Radiation. Then Camazotz spooks Wakchan from behind joking and calling about tragedy for us. The way to ORT has its final trial. But skeletons rise, habetrot, davinci and us will take care of them while the rest deal with Camazotz

Camszotz will stop us. We ask if he really killed ORT and he says so. He dropped it into the lava, slashed off its chest and scrapped out its organs, leaving a silent corpse. He wont allow anyone into ORT's coffin.
If we dont believe him, he will show us how he did it

Energy numbers off the roof. Its like inside him there are more than 100 milliom saint graphs. Camazotz says he felt we were like him, the lasy warriors of humanity

「Speak my name, the bat hero of Khan. The spider-killing bat. The king who threw his crown.
A weakling who couldn't save the world without sacrificing all of his subjects」

Saint graph pattern: Beast-class

「Try it off!
The depths of the hell into which the people of Khan threw themselves.
Feel the essence of their terror」

"Evil of humanity ■■■■■"

A swarm of bats that absorb light engulfs us into darkness, but habenyan shoots the black barrel and they ran away. Camazotz is nowhere to be found, it seems he took Nito

We see some of nito's pass and how she was able to restore her pride as a pharao and comitted suicide, but she was never able to forget the anger she had.
She wakes up at the moonaltar, she wonders if she's camszotz prisoner and she sees him eating his lunch

Thenthey start talking. He wont kill her, he just tool her due to force of habit, but doesnt have more command spells to alter her. Then he asks her why couldnt she just forget and continue living, he doesnt understand why she killed herself after accomplishing her goal

Then she asks him, whst does he think of Mictlan's demise. He says that even if the sun explodes or ORT destroys theplanet, he'll live. He has survived for more than 6 milliom years. His authority as king is Inmortality.
Then they make a bet, if we come rescue nito...

She wins and camazotz will give her this layer of the underworld. If we run away,Camazorz wins and she will "serve the king" 👀
Camazotz believes we wont come due to the difference in strength but we arrive, Camszotz laugh and decides to give us an advice about Daybit to thank us

「Daybit mirros you, the stronger the oponent is, the more shadows he will make appear」
He asks to make our blood rain on the altar, its time for round two

🦇I'll continue tomorrow🦇

Keep fighting camazotz but he represents the human story of Mictlan, as long as this curse is going on, he's immortal and wont fall. And so nito remembers her talk about the Alter ritual with Ixquic. To deny the core of their origins one can achieve this alter state

Like a hero who lived as a saint denied its sanctity
For example:
KP gave up her longing for human love and became a ruthless goddess
Dechi abandoner her vow to stay in her folk form forever and became an adult
Eresh abandoned her dream of a beautiful underworld and became cruel

However for nito it will be harder as egyot myth is more incomoatible with Mictlan, her change might be irreversible
And so she decides to betray the rules of egyptian's afterlife

Camazotz is angry, yelling thatshe shouldnt offer herself to god, she shouldnt live for others. But nito answers that by not being able to remember, he had avoided suicide. So she rippes her heart out to become the god of the underworld that delivers divine punishment

「Neferu Suen Anubis
This is the spirit of queen Nitocris」
And so she reclaims her award from the bet and this layer is hers now, and so theres a new rule. All oblivion is forbidden!
Now that he remembers time to fight
〘Evil of humanity: Oblivion〙

After spending all her power, we defeat Camszotz but nito falls unconscius. She cant fall or she will disappear but Camazotz flies and catches her and so we hear his thoughts

Camazotz cant grieve, no matter who died, wife, children, friends of his kingdom. No sorrows come to him when it happens and so he laughs as he doesnt understand why is he worried for a womam he barely knows He says its a good thing to remember as pretty memories come back to him

Camazotz vanishes, nito is fine and its time to go to the last layer. But we see Vukub escaped as chichen is empty, he will survive as Izcalli has a seat for him in Mexico after the destruction.

The chapter ends with him flying away

We arrive and see a whithered fantasy tree, davinck says it must be a situation similar to lb6 we must venture inside. We talk to tepeu andwakchan about the demise of the lb but no ones to blame for that. We are also attacked by some seeds (we cant reach kadoc either)

Inside the khan temple we found a mural. It states the legend of Mictlan
"At the beginning there was a tree that connected earth and sky and welcomed the stars. The first guest shattered the earth and burned the world but then it healed it and turned into a paradise"

But the second guest was a threat. The star of the end ORT. Maya (the first guest) created a world under the earth and became a tiny sun"
We noticed that in the mural ORT only appears when the sun is black. We guess that no matter how powerful Maya is, it cant make an eternal sun

When the sun turned down all Dinos went into slumber and in those 100.000 years the humans of khan thrived, those who lived in the dark using the heat from this layer. So Ixquic was wrong, only khan fought ORT during the era of darkness.
We see sth at the end of the mural

It seems ORT's courpse became the foundation of Mictlan as it took over the fantasy tree, we guess it might have fused with it and so our objective is clear.
To destroy ORT

I'll continue tomorrow!

I lied! Illdothis section since its the last one for the chapter.
We arrive at the mantle of the planet and see a temple, inside of it theres a pit and the base of the fantasy tree but tezca and izcalli arrived as well. However...

Tlaloc appears, even tho her body was mingled by camazotz it seems shes healing as this is where she was summoned. Izcalli and tezca run for it and we must face tlaloc, or rather Nito will. Time to no longer by bound by names and reveal her true strength

Once again nito offers her heart and goes alter. Proceeding to reveal Tlaloc's true name. The moonlake, embracer of the land: Tenochtitlan

Tenoch asks why hasnt she take her heart out, but Nito says she wont as both are similar in regards to fighting for something, both disappear as nito already used all her strength and we must hurry inside the temple due to sismic activity

These two arrive at the fantasy tree, its name is Seiba as the sacred tree from mayan myth. ORT's heart is at the bottom and tez is ready to heal its wounds. Normally ORT would have recovered but the humans threw it here and Maya put it to sleep with a little trick

They discuss how ORT has a different concept of life as other living beings. Nornally if u strike vital organs living things die and cant be heloed yet ORT has these organs as parts, so they can be replaced and he can revive. This is how ORT is "immortal"

But the plan is to use Izcalli's tezca body to awoken it. Izcalli is a sacrifice for ORT to wake up. But then Tenoch (who still hasnt died lmao) helps us drop to this bottom part. They are shocked she helped us, which she "denies"

Tezca wants to kill her but Izcalli doesnt understand why his goddess, the goddes of their mexico is against them. Tezca says that she never once looked at Ocelotl, and that she is indeed a PHH god who never revealed her true name to Izcalli. And so izcalli wants to fight us

Its the duty of a king to kill the invsdors. We try to talk to him as the demise of his kingdom will come if he helps tezca, but izcalli says its natural for humans to kill each other in PHH and so he will kill us (as he is "human" too)

Izcalli cant take us down, power difference. And so its time to put the plan to practice. The heart of dinos were used to restore ORT parts its time for Izcalli to be sacrificed to awoke it...


But Izcalli doesnt want to, he is up to destroy PHH but their world, their kingdom. He doesnt want to. And so tezca reveals his name. He is just like Motcuhzoma, the last king of aztec kingdom (im using the spanish/nautl ver of it)

The heart of someone with no will to destroy the world is of no use. And tezca kills Izcalli. Change of plans and time for bussiness, the heart of the mage who cleared 6 lostbelts. Sure our sacrifice will wake up ORT

Time to fight tezca and give it our all

As long as we are inside the smoke we cant win. Mash cant fire the black barrel either or the cave will collapse. As reinforcements for tezca keep comming from the smoke

But then lightining strikes and clears all smoke

Look in the sky:
"Habenyan: is it a bird?
Davinci: is it a plane?
Tepeu: is it the president?
Mash: It's director Olga Marie!"

The section ends

We remember what dechi said. Any misunderstandings can cause trouble, when the chance is there we must speak. And so tezca asks why is she helping us, we say cause we're friends. She smiles and we defeat Tezca

Olga sees of course since she is with us. But shes reminded by rasputin than now ORT is useless, she lost big time for helping us. Now nor Izcalli or Tezca can be used as sacrifices to activate ORT. And without it, even if it activates it will just devour the planet and fly

『My plan failed, only yours is left Daybit.

Do as you please. Let's meet up again at the paradise of the death』

Tezca vanishes as Daybit approaches us (he beat divine koyan? Wtf)

So, we talk to daybit. He has a reason to destroy the world,he will deal with js even tho he "has 1 min left" he seems to be a terminal that can acces where the big bang happened. And so shadows come from him. He asks if he looks human for us. Its time to fight

Kadoc wont be able to arrive in time to help us and talks about how the incineration of humanith not only did that but also created a defender of humanity (referring to Olga)

While foghting we see what is he thinking and learn a about his past.
Daybit's dad was no magicianbut a researcher of tribes that acconplish more thanthose with magic circuits. He found a wooden hoop called "Angel's relic" when u see throught it u cant see anything

The dad was assigned as the guard of this relic from outer space. He had a son and after 10 years he invited his son to see the relic, as he thought it was a gift from god and it never did anything in those 10 years.

A flash occured and the 0.2 seconds of eternity happened to the 10 y/o kid. In that light the father disappeared from the world's record only leaving a stain on the floor, burned impossible to be removed

Then daybit talks about teletransportation. In theory it destroys people to molecular level and then recreates it in another place. An exact copy. But if u destroy them, they die and the teletransported one. Is it the original? Even though if its identical?

After the light. 2 stains were on the floor, one the father, one the kid. And a new boy appeared, one exactly like the one on the floor. Daybit. Even though he was biologically identical, the exact same, daybit knew he was different. He didnt feel as he was from this world

The academics concluded he was not even an earthling.
Whats more, the stains on tbe floor, it seems the father and the og kids were alive. Since the stains were impossible to clean, the headmaster forbid the entrance to that room

Moreover, daybit has a disease. His memory is recorded differently. He can only record 5 min in a 24 hr day. Although it sounds as he can do what other humans do but in 5 min instead of 24 hrs. He sees those who spend those 24 hrs as slow and wasting their time

Then we see his interview with marisbury. Daybit can see beyond the observable universe and has a cosmic perspective, marisbury tells him his plans and daybit says that no mage would survive except kiri and him (the first order)

We defeat the shadows, but he says we were 2 seconds late, olga shoots him plasma but it doesnt work on daybit. He explains that is cause he has her heart in him. Her powers are no use towards him, she faints and we see a flashback

Tezca has the ability to take someone's heart and leave it alive. The heart still beats even inside daybit, sending signals to Olga. After we were struck by kuku, olga fell and tezca appeared behind her, taking her living heart and shooting her. This is how he killed her

He infiltrated chaldea, and he plans tl stop Chaldeas even if he needs to sacrifice the planet. Hes not an apostle of the alien god, nor acting for the sake of humanity. Nor the alien god or chaldeas can be destroyed. The alieng god was born from chaldeas and the blanking state..

Is a plan connected to it. The real enemy is Chaldeas
『Grand Order - Human』
The reason why Anastasia was assigned to attack our base was to freeze chaldeas even as it kept working in the ice. If we were there we wouldve died.
He says that if Kiri or him were the last crypter

They were supposed to give this info to our crew. To go to the Antarctic to the crown destinatiom. If we manage to defeat ORT it will be our turn to stop Chaldeas. He gives his farewells as he jumps to ORT's heart to activate it

👽 I'll continue tomorrow 👽

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