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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Feb 5, 2023, 15 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 2.5 News blackout in full color

-Extensive coverage of US weather
-Nothing on the "weather balloon"
-Detailed reports from all corners of the US
(except for Myrtle Beach)
-Lead story about spring planting
-Big story on Chinese culture
-China in full bloom

CCTV does some world-class navel-gazing with a lavish look at itself at the tail end of the lunar new year holiday. Dragon dances everywhere...

Dragon and Pearl!

(The dragon's big, beautiful white pearl, also affectionately known as 'that weather balloon' got shot down on Feb 4 by an F22 over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, but you won't hear a word about that on China's most authoritative TV news program)

(Yesterday's roundup had nothing about the long, lazy overflight of said dragon pearl*)
*weather balloon

Today's news makes up for yesterday's studied silence with an extended segment on the US.
Bad weather is raging across the eagle's brow, as if the wrath of Marx were somehow in play.

Trucks face icy conditions...

Traffic is slowed by wintry mix...

The bad country has come to a standstill

Mist and fog hover near the roadway...

The wind blows hard on Crownspoint Road near AutoZone

Some wires are iced over

And Americans are without power.

Thank you for watching the news!
Zai Jian!

(news not on CCTV)

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