Nick Fletcher Profile picture
Former Member of Parliament for Don Valley. Conservative mayoral candidate for Doncaster Mayor.

Feb 6, 2023, 7 tweets


Today, the Government is launching plans to allow young people to use @ucas_online to search and apply for apprenticeships alongside degrees.

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This will give them a better understanding of all the options available to them so they can get the best possible start in life.

I’m really pleased as apprenticeships are something I feel are not used enough.

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Both my son and I served apprenticeships and gained so much from the experience. New skills. Salary. No debt. A real launchpad to get ahead in life.

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It’s so important that young people have a good understanding of all the options available to them, so they can make informed choices and go on to have successful careers.

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That is why today, at the start of National Apprenticeship Week, we are announcing that from this autumn @ucas_online will expand their service so that young people can see more personalised options including apprenticeships.

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From 2024, students will then be able to apply for apprenticeships through @ucas_online alongside an undergraduate degree application.

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By putting apprenticeships side-by-side with undergraduate degrees, we can help students make the very best decisions for their career – getting into good jobs that help to grow the economy.

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