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I Discover gems✨ Tour Guide, Facilitator, grateful 💚, Avid Cyclist Green merchant🍏

Feb 6, 2023, 6 tweets

Maragua River in Murang'a is one of the tributaries of river tana.
It originates from the heart of the Aberdare Ranges. Maragua River is very scenic,offers locals with water to drink and hiking trails for adventurer addicts.

Found in Murang'a is the Wanji Bridge, built over Maragua River by the Kenyan government during half of the 20th century,as one of the main transport means in the central areas.
Due to the rough terrains, engineers come up with cutting edge engineering solutions to construct it.

The Wanji Bridge is this 150 metre steel bridge at an elevation of 15 metres from the river.. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

About 2km from the bridge water plunges with thunder and the beautiful falls of Margaua falls are found💚. Discovered this beautiful falls last year September with my friend Nimo. Thank you for the beautiful shots of the falls ✨

Maragua river is also feed by small tributaries originating from the Aberdare Ranges, that pour water into the river at Mbombo aka Reli where the railway track meets the Murang'a kenol highway before Murang'a town.
Beautiful Waterfalls and a scenic trail along the river. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Enjoy a scenic train ride to Maragua town using the lunatic express train and a hike chasing Waterfalls & Wanji Bridge happening this Friday 10th Feb from 8:00am.
Contact Lead guide: Spirited Sam -0769797864
#karoritours #muranga #discoverkenya #maraguariver #wanjibridge

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