baz -live laugh money laundering- Profile picture
he/him | Writer on AO3 | MDNI 🔞| retweet: some Dead Dove content, very nsfw

Feb 6, 2023, 13 tweets

For the last day of #SakuAtsuWeek2023 Wanted to give soc med AUs a try! So, #sakuatsu “secret relationship” but really is just everyone being blind to their weird way of flirting.

Sakusa, Atsumu and Onigiri Miya







7 (Hinata has an idea)

8 (Bokuto didn’t spill it was actually Hinata’s big brain this time)

9 (oops Joffe didn’t get the memo)

10 (trending on that global page lmao)

The end

Thanks for following along this, I didn’t feel like making it too long, I hope you guys enjoyed the stupidity coming out of my brain

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