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I'm gonna turn right so goddamn hard, it will make your head spin.

Feb 6, 2023, 23 tweets

1Newly declass CIA memo regarding TIME magazine reporter Sandy Smith investigating Robert Bennett and Howard Hunt and the Mullen & Co. PR firm. Do last two redactions at paragraph 18 obscure the name McMahon?…
@jeffersonmorley Catch up

2/If so, it would be McMahon (Moynihan?) that urged Bennett to hire Hunt at Mullen & Co. Were Sandy Smith's enquiries on subject of who hired Hunt shut down by TIME and Agency after this memo?

3/The memo indicates that @washingtonpost had already done so, contrary to myth of dogged persistence by @realBobWoodward and @carlbernstein Is Smith eased out as TIME's correspondent on Watergate around this time?

4/ Was TIME CIA Adjunct?


5/Was Chuck Colson's weird scenario not so weird?

The Nation: Colson's Weird Scenario via @TIME

6/1971 memo from John N. McMahon, then Director of ELINT, to DDCI Cushman regarding Gary Powers. Recall Cushman would testify before Ervin Committee regarding Agency contacts with Hunt.…
McMahon had debriefed Powers after Agency-intended shoot-down 1960

7/ Clare Boothe Luce and Bill Colby discussing "Her little Cubans" involvement in Dallas and Watergate ...


9. Luce chairs Counterintell chair on PFIAB, 1982 Reagan admin, same years as John McMahon appointed as DDCIA.


1/I have always thought it should be possible to identify Deep Throat simply by entering all the information about him in All the President's Men into a computer, and then entering as much as possible about all the various suspects.

2/For instance, who was not in Washington on the days that Woodward reported putting the red-flagged flower pot on his window sill, signaling Deep Throat for a meeting.

Ben Bradlee

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