Nick Fletcher for DEAX Profile picture
I am not currently an MP, as Parliament has been dissolved until after the General Election. Conservative candidate for Doncaster East & the Isle of Axholme.

Feb 7, 2023, 6 tweets


I am meeting the Home Secretary @SuellaBraverman this evening. I have made it very clear that I fully support the Government in using the full extent of the law to stop these small boats. 🧵1/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #Doncasterisgreat #controlledimmigration

I can assure you that my Conservative colleagues have the same view as me on this. It is unacceptable for economic migrants to jump the queue and then claim asylum and be fed and housed whilst their claims are investigated. 🧵2/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #controlledimmigration

They could have claimed asylum in France. That is not a war zone. It is a perfectly safe country to be in. 🧵3/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #Doncasterisgreat #controlledimmigration

If they could lawfully get a plane ticket for £100 to fly to the UK from France, why instead would they pay £4,000 to criminal gangs for a place on a small boat where they are putting their lives at risk? 🧵4/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #Doncasterisgreat #controlledimmigration

Their actions also risk the lives of the people who are sent out in all weathers to help them. It’s not right.

It’s essential that we control our borders. Had we remained in the EU it would be even worse.🧵5/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #Doncasterisgreat #controlledimmigration

I will be asking @SuellaBraverman to press on with implementing our Prime Minister @RishiSunak’s pledge to Stop The Small Boats. 🧵6/6

#StopTheSmallBoats #Doncasterisgreat #controlledimmigration

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