Steve Sherlock Profile picture
Citizen journalism on behalf of the residents. Integrating with and (102.9 local). Posts represent my own personal views.

Feb 7, 2023, 25 tweets

Getting ready to live report on the Redistricting advisory committee meeting about to begin at 6 #rdac0207

Meeting delayed starting but now underway. Supt Lucas Giguere opens and starts with agenda for tonight #rdac0207

SchCom member, subcommittee chair Al Charles steps in to add view on the objectives, what's in scope and what's out of scope #rdac0207

Out of scope is the building master plan, that will be part of the town planning on the "master plan" effort just starting (volunteers being looked for to help with that 12-18 month effort) #rdac0207

Lily Rivera, town & schools communications specialist, talks to the slide she developed on the time line #rdac0207

The storymap that summarizes the information and is interactive to allow for further digging into details #rdac0207…

"How do we do what is best for the whole while impacting the least?"

Scrolling through the storymap shows the summary, details on navigation, and the current recommendations #rdac0207

The room view, and the options as presented this far

Option 1 details for elementary and for middle school #rdac0207

Option 2 details from the storymap #rdac0207

One screenshot I can capture well right now shows the reconfigured utilization for the schools for that option. #rdac0207 another view who moves vs who doesn't is shown here for option 2

Should have typed "can't" be captured in the prior tweet #rdac0207

All the photos I am capturing from the slides and storymap tonight are also in one album for ease of viewing #rdac0207…

Discussion around the numbers on this slide, capacity does it or doesn't it include 5th graders. Being looked at! Stay tuned... If you find other potential numbers that don't seem to work, feel free to raise the question #rdac0207

Full analysis will be done on the most likely options, there is not enough time/resources to do the full analysis on all the 'tiny' variations that could be considered #rdac0207

The exercise leading to however many options seems to be a 'short term' buy time solution as the master facility bit would be done by the Town, if they chose to build a new school, then there is another aspect of planning required for long term #rdac0207

The larger group is not doing a dive into the scenario discussion at each table, #rdac0207

Catching up to share the option 3 slides (from the storymap) #rdac0207 (note: go the storymap for the last table on utilization rates)

Ouch, caught a typo in that the larger group is NOW going into discussion at each table (oops!) #rdac0207

Tables just received the 2 minute warning to wrap up table discussion #rdac0207

Next steps slide #rdac0207

Table recaps in process; survey also going to group for feedback on the scenarios. #rdac0207 the community forums Mar 7 & 13 are the same details, one in person, one virtual; survey to the community also going after those sessions to gather feedback

Session wrapping up; so that is all for tonight, catch you next time! #rdac0207

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