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Indian-Bharatiya-Hindustani | WiP Socialist | Gandhi Bhakt | Cat Pop | Lord of Canine | Communication | Anti-caste | Sensitive Atheist | MICA

Feb 8, 2023, 5 tweets

1. I’m yet to listen to their speeches in entirety. But from the glimpses of what I watched of #RahulGandhi & #NarendraModiSpeech in the Parliament, I can clearly see the shift of power. The new RG is both brutal in his takedown & benevolent in his outreach & he definitely is two

2. decades ahead of Modi. PM in comparison looked more an injured hyena whining in pain rather than the tiger roar his supporters expect out of him. He definitely seems to be advancing in his Me/Myself/I megalomania. Almost felt pity (that’s the kindest NaMo quote I’ve). Round 1

3. of RaGa Vs. NaMo face-off in the run up to 2024 GE is a KO victory for the younger politician. Modi looked jaded & rattled while Rahul displayed great focus & calmness. Perhaps Adani is indeed a ‘dukhati nabz’ for the PM but the way it brought the entire machinery to come to

4. the defence of its only General should be a worrying sign for BJP camp. Perhaps other hyenas in the pack too smell blood-fear of the alpha. Will they strike is immaterial but what’s clear is that Modi is older & losing his edge. & if RG has finally developed the tack to fend

5. off Modi’s brand of hate-anger dependent politics, BJP must begin its search for a replacement for its once unbeatable autocrat.

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