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Feb 9, 2023, 10 tweets

❗️Hindenburg Research = 'ECONOMIC HITMAN'❗️

Now that the #AdaniStormEnds, its time to unmask the plot underneath.

Here, we will address the following

1. What is an economic hitman?
2. Is Hindenburg one?
3. Modus Operandi & goals of this #hindenburghitjob

A thread 👇

What is an 'Economic Hitman'❓

Famous author @jperkinsauthor defines 'Economic Hitman' as professionals/organizations who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars

Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion & murder

Is Hindenburg an 'Economic Hitman'?

There are evidences that Hindenburg is an economic hitman.

1. It uses fraudulent financial reports to bring down companies of importance in other countries.
Eg - Adani in India
2. Its website has no official address. If you are

genuine, what stops you from disclosing your address.
3. The firm has only 9 employees (source: Wikipedia)
4. It makes money by sharing its report with few limited partners, who take a short position in the target company.
PS - No information is available on who the partners are.

5. Most importantly, it is being investigated by the US-DoJ for illegal trading tactics.

Clearly, it is a shady organization with some dark working methods.

All evidence points to it being an 'ECONOMIC HITMAN'

And it has now turned its target on India.

Now, the question is why India, why now and specifically Adani.

1. Why India

India is an emerging economy with huge growth prospects. It is world’s 5th largest economy.

At WTO and during climate negotiations, India has successfully resisted the Western corporate interests.

2. Why now ?

🔸2024 General election is just an year away.
🔸India is about to host G-20 summit.
🔸India has gone against Western interests to buy energy from Russia

Most importantly, India is paying in dirhams, thus challenging the 'Dollar Supremacy'

3. Why Adani?

🔸Firstly, Adani is the biggest industrialist in the country right now.
🔸Adani group's strength lies in infrastructure. Much of the physical hardware of a modern economy has been missing from India since colonial times.

🔸Haifa port - Adani acquired Israel's strategic Haifa Port that Chinese & USA had an eye on. Certainly, they are not happy with Adani.

It is clear that, Hindenburg report was neither the first not the last in the series of economic attack on India.

It is very important for us to remain united and not get rattled by such attacks.

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Jai Hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳

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