Center for Countering Digital Hate Profile picture
International organization disrupting the production and spread of hate & misinformation. US 501(c)(3) non-profit. Press:

Feb 9, 2023, 6 tweets

Why would Elon Musk reinstate @Twitter accounts of self-professed Nazis, conspiracy theorists, misogynists & homophobes? 🤔

Well, we found that just 10 such accounts are worth up to $19m a year 💰

Read our findings in @WashingtonPost:


Brands like @Apple, @Amazon and @NFL can expect to see their ads appear next to Andrew Tate, Andrew Anglin & Robert Malone to name a few.

This is where brands’ ad dollars are really going….


Hi @PrimeVideo, your ad was placed alongside reinstated Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin who tweeted “the only career that a woman is actually capable of on merit is prostitution.”

@PrimeVideo, did you know your ads appear next to vile women hatred?

Hey @Apple, Twitter has put profit before your brand safety.

Your ad appeared next to a tweet promoting the conspiracy theory that the US & Ukrainian govts were developing biological weapons using money secured by Hunter Biden.

Is this what you paid for?

Anti-vaxx lies have hurt countless people around the world, and caused untold loss of life.

@NFL, your content is appearing next to tweets spreading anti-vaxx conspiracies.

Lies cost lives. Stop your ads.

We’re calling on brands to join the 500 advertisers who’ve already stopped advertising on Twitter.

Do the right thing and stop funding Toxic Twitter. Remove your ads from the platform now.


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